Whispering Souls Read online

Page 3

  As they walked outside, twirling snowflakes greeted them. Twinkling lights lined the buildings along both sides of the busy street. Lovers walked side-by-side. Part of her envied them. Was she worthy of such love? Some days, like today, she wondered. Maybe one day she would be.

  Cheers from inside a nearby restaurant brought her back to reality. Ragnvald tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. She glanced at him. Was she imagining this moment? When she awoke this morning in England, Julia had never thought about meeting someone like Ragnvald, or any man for that matter. After what Nigel had done to her, she had no intention of dating again—or at least not anytime soon. Julia recalled what Aunt Helga had told her earlier. “Don’t do this to yourself. That awful man is not worth the trouble and the worry you’re causing yourself.”

  Julia swallowed hard against the ball forming in her throat. Unshed tears stung her eyes. She turned her head, hoping Ragnvald didn’t see her watery eyes.

  “Are you cold?”

  Julia blinked away a few tears before looking at him. “I’m not very good company tonight. Forgive me.”

  “No worries. If you’d like to return home, I can escort you.”

  She shook her head. “I’d like to stay with you a bit if that’s all right.”

  He smiled “Of course.” He brushed his thumb against her cheek.

  With every passing moment spent in his company, Julia felt safe and protected. What an odd feeling! She had never felt this way with anyone except for her parents and brother. Ragnvald kept her close without making her feel uncomfortable. She barely knew this man, but as they walked together through the city streets, she felt as though they’d known each other forever.

  “What is it that you do for a living if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I’m a master blacksmith,” he proudly replied. “I’ve been forging swords all my life.”

  “How wonderful! I admire people with such skills.” It was the truth. She had admired swords for years—especially from the Viking era.

  He raked a hand through his long hair. “If you would like, I could show you my work sometime.”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  His smile warmed her and made her tingle all over. How could she resist him? This wasn’t the best time for her to fall for a man. Her heart still needed some mending. And she had no idea how long her stay in Copenhagen would last. Before she lost herself in Ragnvald’s intense gaze, Julia turned away.

  “This city is beautiful,” she said, hoping to break his spell and wishing her heart would stop racing.

  “Yes, it is. I hope you enjoy your stay here.”

  She looked at him. “I’m sure I will.”

  In the light of the storefront, Julia saw Ragnvald blush. She melted a bit more. Her lips wanted to taste his. But not yet. Not unless she wanted to lose herself completely and never return from her fantasies. Instead, she held onto his arm, hoping her knees wouldn’t give out on her. For a quick moment, she closed her eyes and prayed she wasn’t dreaming.

  “Here we are. Ready for some skating?” Ragnvald asked her.

  Julia was mesmerized by the magical scene before her eyes. Strings of twinkling lights hung above them and on each side of the iced surface. People of all ages skated while others enjoyed a hot beverage near the wooden shack.

  “Let’s get you some skates,” her dreamy date said.

  * * * *

  Ragnvald loved the way Julia’s lips curled into a soft smile. Her eyes sparkled with joy. Yet in her emerald eyes, he swore he saw a hint of sadness. What had caused such a veil? He wished her happiness for as long as she lived.

  When they reached the ice rink counter, a young man greeted them.

  “Two pairs of skates, please,” Ragnvald said in Danish before turning to Julia. He took her hand and kissed her gloved fingers.

  She kept his hand in her small one. The gesture touched him. She somehow trusted him despite barely knowing him. When he glanced at their linked hands, she pulled her fingers away. Dammit! She must think I’m a fool! Now wasn’t the time for regrets. Instead, he focused on lightening the mood. With skates in hand, he sat on a nearby wooden bench. Julia sat beside him. Her gaze held his. May the gods help me! She was a beautiful sight.

  Something about her called to him. She pulled hard at his soul and his heart. He couldn’t shake the feeling in his gut that she was the one he had waited for since...too long. Memories of that fateful day when he lost his beloved haunted him. A soft touch brought him back to the present. The twinkling lights above illuminated Julia’s face. Was he dreaming?

  While Julia slipped her tiny feet in the skates, Ragnvald stared at her lips, wondering how they would taste. His body craved hers. For now, he shook away the building desire for Julia. With each touch and moment spent with her, he etched every detail of it in his heart and memory.

  “Are you ready?” He offered his hand.

  Julia joined her hand to his and stood. When she took a step forward, her foot slipped. She fell into his arms.

  “I’ve got you,” he said.

  Their eyes locked in some magical force. She melded in his arms as if she had been created for him and he was made for her. Should I kiss her? Her lips tempted him—beckoned him. Just one kiss. A chance to taste her. That’s all he asked for. That’s all he needed. Not yet. He didn’t want to ruin his chances with her. Instead, he gently pulled away and skated toward the center of the iced surface.

  Julia skated after him and touched his arm. “Have I done something wrong?” she asked.

  He pushed back the glove from her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. “Forgive me. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  Julia touched his cheek and smiled. “You’ve done nothing wrong, I assure you.”

  Ragnvald slid a thumb along her moist lips. All his blood pumped downward, centering in his groin. His head spun with desire for Julia. One kiss was all he needed. One taste of her rosy lips. As if she could read his mind, Julia closed the space between them and lifted her chin. He took a chance, no longer resisting. His lips connected to hers, indulging in their softness. When her mouth opened, he accepted her invitation. Their tongues twirled in a delicious dance. He brought her closer, keeping his hands upon her lower back. She melded against his body. A burning desire ignited within him. Before he let it consume him and burn her, he let her go.

  Confusion filled her eyes. The last thing he wanted was for her to regret this moment with him. He pressed his lips to her forehead and linked his fingers with hers. He then gently skated with her across the ice. He breathed a sigh of relief when she stayed with him. Her lips were pursed, and were those tears in her eyes? He never wanted to hurt her or lose his chance with her. Ragnvald pulled Julia into his arms and kissed her again. This time, she was the one who held him close. In her kiss, he felt her hunger for him. His head shouted for him to stop. One more moment, he argued back.


  “Hmm?” he asked, kissing the corners of her lips.

  “We have an audience,” she whispered.

  He opened one eye and then the other, seeing skaters of all ages smiling at them. He chuckled in unison with Julia.

  “Come.” She took his hand.

  Curiosity had all of his senses on alert. Where did she want them to go?

  They returned their skates and headed down the street. When they reached a nearby pub, they walked inside and sat in a loveseat facing a stone hearth. He liked this place, and more now because of Julia. How did she know about this place? It reminded him of the pubs in England he loved. Was it the same reason for her?

  “I hope you don’t mind. I remembered my brother talking about this place.”

  Ragnvald brought Julia’s fingers against his lips. “I don’t mind at all.”

  Her ruby lips curled upward as she removed her coat and gloves.

  “I’ll get something to warm us,” he offered.

  “Hot chocolate with whiskey, please.”

>   He stood. “Coming right up.” He removed his coat and walked up to the counter where he ordered the drinks.

  While he waited, he turned back and let his gaze rest upon Julia. He admired her small nose and the way she wore her long, auburn tresses in a ponytail. His fingers itched to caress the curve of her slender neck. Was that a tattoo just below her left ear? Two interlocked hearts kissed her neck. He grinned with delight and curiosity. He wondered about the story behind her body ink. Every moment passed with Julia, she intrigued him more.

  Once he paid for the drinks, he walked back to the table. She smiled up at him.

  “Milady.” He handed her a cup of steaming hot chocolate.

  She giggled. “Thank you.”

  Their fingertips touched, causing an invisible spark. Once more, he felt transported to a place where their souls met. He knew everything happened for a reason, and that each soul had their match. Was Julia his? He cleared his dry throat and sat beside her. They sat so close on the sofa that he could smell her sweet rosewater perfume. She intoxicated him. Something about her called to him. He liked everything about her.

  “Tell me about your family. Do you have any other brothers or sisters?” he asked.

  “Only the one brother, Colin. How about you?”

  “I’m an only child,” he replied, sipping his hot chocolate.

  “That’s so sad. I can’t imagine my life without Colin.”

  Ragnvald heard in her voice the love she had for her brother. “I guess I never missed what I never knew. But I had a good family.”

  When she placed her hand on his leg, his jeans tightened against his groin. He looked into her eyes for any sign of hesitation or discomfort, but only found honesty and desire. Were his eyes playing tricks on him?

  He needed to ask her one thing, but part of him feared the answer. Before he lost his courage, he said, “I hope you don’t mind me asking a personal question.”

  “What is it you want to know?”

  “Are you seeing anyone?” He prayed no other man held her heart.

  Her gaze locked with his. She shook her head. In her eyes, he saw sadness. His gut told him something was amiss. Had someone hurt her? His arms ached to hold her. His hands ached to punch whoever had caused her pain. He hoped she would tell him about it. For now, he touched her hand and she let him.

  “What about you? Are you in a relationship?”

  He shook his head. “No, not for a long while.”

  “How come?” she asked, sipping her hot chocolate, keeping her eyes on him.

  He grinned at her direct question. He loved that about her.

  “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business,” she said, taking another sip of her drink.

  “No worries. You can ask me any question you want.” Indeed, he liked her for not shying away from him. “I never found the right woman for me,” he decided to say. “Maybe one day.”

  Julia gently wrapped her fingers around his. “I’m sure you will be with your one true love someday soon.”

  Part of him believed that too.

  Julia’s kindness and optimism touched him and shook him to the core. How was all of this possible? He couldn’t deny their mutual attraction.

  As the evening went on, Ragnvald learned that Julia worked as an interior designer in London and had opened her own shop over a year ago.

  “It’s not always easy, but my family supports me,” she said.

  “That’s good. Family is important.”

  She nodded. “It is. I’m grateful for them. What about your family? Where are they?”

  Sadness invaded him. “Gone.”

  Julia’s eyes widened with concern. “Gone? What happened to them?”

  He took a sip of his drink. He had no words to explain the actual story. For now, he kept that a secret. Instead, he replied, “My parents passed away a long time ago. I was raised in a foster family.”

  She touched his cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

  He pressed his mouth to her palm. “It’s all right. They are always with me in my heart.”

  * * * *

  A need to wrap her arms around Ragnvald overwhelmed Julia. He would think her forward if she hugged him; or would he mind at all? Before letting her insecurity rule her head, she placed her arms around his neck. Heaven help me! Maybe it was the whiskey heightening her senses, but she didn’t care. He smelled so good. Musk and something very masculine emanated from his skin. She closed her eyes and held him for a moment, feeling his strong body. A breath caught in her throat when she felt his hands on her lower back. The warmth of his palms penetrated her sweater. He pulled her closer against the hard wall of his chest.

  His arms brought her comfort. She felt protected. The feeling unsettled her. How was it possible to feel so at ease with a man she barely knew? Julia slowly pulled away from his embrace. His hand slid from her back and glided up her arm, causing a shiver of delight over her skin. She stilled, waiting in anticipation for his next move.

  His hot breath teased her ear. “I really like you, Julia.”

  She had heard those words before from other crushes, but never believed them. Until now. Somehow, she believed Ragnvald. In his deep baritone, she heard his sincerity. Reason, however, reminded her of her broken heart and the promise she made to herself about not falling for another man. Not until she healed.

  “I really like you too, Ragnvald,” she replied, touching his cheek. It was the truth.

  He held her, and their surroundings ceased to exist. His lips pressed against her brow. Julia raised her chin and looked into his eyes. His lips brushed against her cheek, inches away from the corner of her mouth. Kiss me, she pleaded in silence. Could he read her mind?

  Maybe it was the whiskey in the hot chocolate affecting her head, but the need for his lips against hers wouldn’t leave her. She wanted to taste him. His mouth inched closer and found hers. A breath caught in her throat. His lips held hers while his hand cupped her cheek. She tilted her chin to give him more access. As their lips moved, their tongues twirled and danced in a delicious tango. A flick of his tongue caused a wave of tingles within her depths. She wanted him. He tasted liked chocolate and coffee and—

  “Sorry folks. We’ll be closing soon,” a voice announced from afar.

  Reality broke Ragnvald’s spell on Julia. Disappointed, she sat back and took a sip of her drink. From the corner of her eye, she looked at the man who helped her forget her woes for a moment. Did he like the way she kissed? She certainly liked his mouth against hers, and the way he kissed her. Her head still swam with desire for him. He turned to her and brought her hand against his lips. A spark of heat shot up her arm. She wanted him to kiss her again until her lips numbed.

  “Will you walk with me?” she asked.

  “Of course. It would be my pleasure.”

  He stood, holding her hand. Before releasing her fingers, he kissed her palm. Another wave of heat penetrated her. Julia put on her hat and scarf with a shaky hand. She couldn’t help the smile forming on her tingling lips. She wasn’t dreaming of this time spent with her Viking god, was she?

  Ragnvald helped her with her coat and then he cupped her cheeks, pressing his lips against her brow. “Ready to go?”

  She nodded.

  Outside, the snow continued accumulating on the ground. But Julia didn’t mind. Somehow it made the moment more magical. If only they could stay together longer so she could get to know him more. But she couldn’t stay out too late and worry her aunt and uncle. When she glanced at the time on her phone, Julia noticed the late hour. She hadn’t realized they’d spent the whole evening together.

  “Thank you for a wonderful evening,” she said as they reached her aunt and uncle’s house.

  He brought her gloved hand against his lips. “It was my greatest pleasure.” His lips curled into a melting grin. “Are you busy tomorrow night?”

  “I’m joining my brother and his wife at their country home tomorrow.” A pang of regret resounded in her heart. She did want to
spend more time with Ragnvald, but Colin was expecting her.

  “We can have dinner together when you return,” Ragnvald said with a reassuring smile.

  She nodded. “I’d like that.” She kissed his cheek. “I should be back in a couple of days.”

  “Here’s my number.” He gave her his business card. “If you need me, let me know.”

  His generous offer touched her. “I might hold you to that,” she said. Pulling a business card out of her purse, she said, “And here is my card in case you miss hearing my voice,” she teased.

  He blushed.

  Before she opened the front door, Julia cupped his jaw and pressed her lips against his in a slow, deliberate motion, savoring the taste of him. She wanted to let him know how much she liked him and wanted to see him again too. Soon, she reminded herself.

  “Good night, my sweet Julia,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Good night, Ragnvald.”

  He stepped away, leaving Julia with her thoughts and a hunger for him. She wished they could have spent the whole night together. She inhaled the chilled air as she watched her Viking walk away.

  Chapter 3

  Rolling, snowy forests and mountains passed by as the train made its way through the Danish countryside. Julia created a mental picture of this breathtaking scenery. Around her, passengers chatted and enjoyed their journey. A pang of loneliness echoed in her heart. Part of her wished Ragnvald was with her this morning.

  She tried to shake away the need for him, but her efforts proved useless. He haunted her thoughts and dreams. His delicious mouth had left its mark. No man had ever kissed her with such hunger before last night. Will I ever see him again? She hoped so.

  The evening they had spent together was the best one she’d had in a long time. Her Viking warrior had helped her forget, for a short while at least, her woes and her broken heart. Was love possible for her after all the heartbreak she’d suffered in the past?