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Whispering Souls Page 2
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Page 2
“Your drink, sir,” the flight attendant said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Thank you.”
He took a sip and looked at the beauty, but she turned her attention to the magazine in her small hands. He craned his neck to see that she liked reading about home décor. What else did she like? What did she do for a living? He liked a woman with her own mind who created a life for herself. He had grown up surrounded by strong shieldmaidens. His beloved had fought many times at his side during their summer raids. He still admired Arnora’s courage. Especially when her father, the earl, had refused her desire to be treated like a true Viking woman, and not a princess. Ragnvald smiled at the memory with a pinched heart.
The feeling of longing overtook him. He missed Arnora. For many lifetimes, Ragnvald had searched and hoped for the day the Norse gods would reunite him with his beloved. He had loved his share of women but his search for his one true love’s soul proved fruitless. Despite their beauty and good hearts, the women in his life had never filled the void in his soul. He studied the beauty seated nearby. Had he finally met the one he was meant to be with? He closed his eyes and painted a mental picture of her.
A scent of rosewater reached his nose. He looked up and saw the object of his imaginings walking past him. She opened the door to the lavatory. This was his chance to speak with her. He waited for her to come out, thinking of some sort of excuse to talk to her.
Taking a deep breath, Ragnvald willed his heart to stop thundering in his chest. He stood from his seat and walked toward the lavatory, praying she wouldn’t think him a fool, or too forward. After a moment, he heard the door unlock. He stilled. She looked at him as she stepped out and smiled.
“All yours.”
Her soft English accent sounded like a sweet melody to his ears. Words stuck in his throat. She stood close, and her head barely reached his shoulders. He loved petite women, and he liked this particular one very much. Her beauty hypnotized him. In her emerald eyes he saw the portal to her soul. His own soul somehow connected to hers, and their surroundings faded. His heart raced. A hunger for her built within him. He dared hope that centuries of waiting for his one true love had ended.
“Are you okay?” her sweet voice asked him.
Ragnvald managed to nod. Her concern touched him. “My apologies for staring. You remind me of someone special I knew a long time ago.”
Her smile warmed him. Her eyes sparkled in the light above. His body ached for her touch. His wish came true when she offered her hand to him.
“Nice meeting you. My name is Julia.”
He gently took her hand. “Pleasure meeting you, Julia. My name is Ragnvald.”
“Hello, Ragnvald.”
His name sounded like honey from her lips. He prayed to the gods for his courage to stay with him. Her small fingers fit perfectly in his palm. Heat from her touch penetrated his skin. No one around them existed. Their eyes locked in a magical spell—one he didn’t want to break.
“Excuse me.” The voice sounded far away. “Hello?” Then the rude passenger broke the moment, forcing Ragnvald to release Julia’s warm hand as he butted between them.
“I should get back to my seat,” Julia said.
“Of course.” Ragnvald stepped back and studied her feminine curves through her sweater and jeans as she walked to her seat.
Julia. He engraved her name in his mind and in his heart. He glanced once more toward the object of his musings, hoping he hadn’t dreamed her, before stepping inside the lavatory. He stared at his complexion in the mirror. The harsh light amplified his tired eyes and his blushed cheeks.
Ragnvald wiped a hand across his face. The scent of rosewater lingered in his palm. Julia’s scent. He smiled, silently thanking the gods for placing her on his path. He hoped this meant good fortune and the gods were on his side. He prayed for a chance to spend more time with Julia. His lips turned upwards as he splashed some water on his face, happy to be returning to his home country.
After living in England for the last twenty years, it was time for him to return home to Denmark. No one could know about his true identity. Few people in his life had known the truth about him and his past. Not everyone could accept it. Would Julia? The question twisted his gut. Ragnvald shook his head, chasing away the fear and doubt. You don’t even know her, the voice in his head reminded him.
Bing. The seatbelt light went on.
A knock at the door brought him back to reality. He opened the door.
“We’ll be landing soon, sir,” the pretty flight attendant said.
Ragnvald nodded and returned to his seat, securing his seatbelt. Through the window, he saw the city of Copenhagen below. Home. He had been gone for too long. He hoped his caretaker had kept up the yard and the house. No matter. He was up for the challenge for whatever waited for him.
As the plane’s captain announced their descent, Ragnvald glanced at Julia. He saw her eyes closed and the rosy color draining from her beautiful face. An overwhelming need to hold her hand and reassure her of the plane’s safety overtook him. He didn’t understand what was happening to him. He shook his head. When he looked at her again he wondered if this was her first flight. A need to know more about her wouldn’t leave him. She tugged hard at his heartstrings.
Reality caught up with him when the flaps on the wings moved into position. Within moments, the plane descended toward the airport, and safely landed on the tarmac.
Outside, snowflakes twirled around them. He loved snow. It made the landscape magical somehow. A fresh blanket covered the roads and buildings. Ragnvald couldn’t wait to feel the snow and the Nordic air on his face. He’d had enough of the English climate.
When the aircraft came to a stop, he rose and grabbed his canvas bag from the overhead storage. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Julia waiting for the passenger beside her to stand. His heart ached to see her pale face. He sat back down in his seat and waited for most of the passengers to leave. Then he stood up and went to Julia.
“May I help you get your bag down?”
She looked at him and smiled. “Thank you. It’s the burgundy one.”
He pulled out the elegant leather bag and handed it to her. When she grabbed the handle, their fingers touched. A spark ignited within him. Her hand lingered upon his.
“Forgive me,” she said, pulling away her fingers.
“No worries.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I should be going. My aunt and uncle are waiting for me in the airport.”
Before he might regret his forwardness, he said, “May I walk with you to the gates?”
After a moment’s hesitation, she replied, “That would be lovely. Thank you.”
Relieved and happy, he held back a grin. He stepped aside and let Julia walk in front of him, once more admiring her petite silhouette. His hands ached to touch every inch of her body. His arms wanted to hold her. As they stepped off the plane and walked down the chilled corridor, Ragnvald took a moment to admire the auburn color of her hair and the way her long ponytail rested upon the scarf around her slender neck. He noted her dark green blazer she paired with jeans. He didn’t know much about the latest fashion trends, but he liked Julia’s style.
“Are you in Copenhagen for business or pleasure?” she asked, breaking his reverie as they walked side by side.
“I’m actually moving back home.”
He smiled. “I lived in England for a while, but I missed home too much. It was time for me to return.”
She looked at him and offered him a sparkling grin.
He melted.
“What brings you here?” He was curious.
“Business and pleasure. I’m helping my aunt and uncle decorate their new home.”
“Let me guess, you’re an interior decorator?”
She smiled. “Yes, I am. How did you know?”
“I saw you reading a décor magazine.”
She giggled. As they grabbed their luggage from t
he designated area, he glanced at Julia. Before losing his courage, he said, “Forgive me if I’m too forward, but would you like to join me for a coffee later?”
* * * *
Julia looked at her watch and chewed on her bottom lip. Temptation clouded her mind. Obligation reminded her that her aunt and uncle waited for her at the gates.
“I would love to,” she replied while daring to touch his arm.
His boyish grin melted her once more. “Meet me at Orsted Olbar and Cafe. It’s in the Inner City district. Is eight all right for you?”
She nodded. “That’s perfect.”
Again, his full, masculine lips lifted, stirring her within. Heaven help me! He is a handsome devil! She wondered if it was a good idea seeing this Viking god again after she left the airport. Why not, the little voice in her head said. Part of the reason for traveling all the way to Denmark was to get away from England and clear her mind of all her worries.
“I should be going.” She offered her hand. “It was very nice meeting you, Ragnvald.”
His long. warm fingers gently cupped hers. A spark of lightning found its way up her arm. Before she lost herself in his ice blue eyes, Julia pulled her hand back and stepped away.
“See you tonight, Ragnvald.”
“See you, Julia,” he replied with his charming accent mixed with Danish and English. She liked the way he said her name.
She glanced over her shoulder, taking one last look at the handsome and kind man she’d met on the plane. Part of her wanted to call her aunt and tell her that she was going to catch a cab with Ragnvald. He intrigued her. But her Aunt Helga would be waiting for her at the gates with Uncle Erik. She couldn’t let them down or have them worry about her if she didn’t show up. Making her way through the crowded airport, Julia reached the sliding door and searched for her relatives in the waiting area.
There in the front row stood her dear aunt and uncle. Aunt Helga barely contained her excitement. When Julia reached them, they wrapped their arms around her and held her within their warm embrace.
“We’re so happy you’re here, darling,” her aunt said, kissing her cheek.
“How was your flight, dear?” her uncle asked.
“Good.” Julia didn’t mind flying. It was the landing she didn’t too much care for, especially if the tarmac was wet. “Happy to be here.”
“Come.” Aunt Helga curled her hand around Julia’s arm while Uncle Erik took her luggage.
Twirling snowflakes and a chilled air greeted Julia outside. Winter in Copenhagen. The city hadn’t changed much, she happily noted as they drove through the busy mid-afternoon traffic. Julia remembered her last visit as if ten years hadn’t passed at all. She had spent the summer with her aunt and uncle. They had made her stay most memorable. And for that, she remained grateful to this day.
After all these years, she found herself once more in her father’s homeland. She hoped this time away from England would help her soothe the pain in her heart caused by Nigel. Thoughts of the handsome Viking popped into her head. Should I meet him tonight? A coffee with him wouldn’t hurt, she reasoned. The thought of meeting Ragnvald again excited her and caused a tingling in her body. She glanced at her phone and counted the minutes until her date tonight.
* * * *
Ragnvald watched Julia until he could no longer see her. He raked a hand through his hair, unable to stop his lips from curling upward in a smile. His cheeks heated, and his heart thundered. Before he lost himself in the sensations she caused him, he made his way through the airport. Outside, he filled his lungs with fresh air. It smelled like home. Through a break in the cloudy sky, the sun appeared, creating a magical veil.
Glancing at the time on his cellphone, he counted the hours until he saw Julia again. He had just enough time to get home and take a shower. When he climbed into a waiting cab, his thoughts went to the woman who had caught his attention. He wanted to know more about her.
When he arrived at his house just outside the city, Ragnvald silently thanked his caretaker for shoveling the driveway and the front step. As he walked inside the house, warmth surrounded him. A fire roared in the stone hearth. Wasting no time, he removed his boots and jacket and headed to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of whiskey. As he drank deeply, an image of Julia’s face bounced in his mind. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Time didn’t go fast enough. For the first time in a long time, he felt alive again. Excitement coursed through him. Did she feel the same at this moment?
Chapter 2
Julia needed to stall for time. She sat on a nearby bench and stared at the passersby roaming the square. Her hesitation bothered her. Was she ready to start another relationship? “It’s only coffee with a handsome man,” her aunt had reassured her before Julia left for her date. Julia had broken her engagement with Nigel only months ago. Memories of his betrayal stung, and she shook her head. Time to move on, she told herself. Julia fixed her collar with a shaky hand and walked toward the coffee shop on the other side of the street.
Within moments, she stepped into the warm and busy establishment. Standing at the entryway, she scanned her surroundings. Then her gaze stopped at a table beside the window. Ragnvald’s long, curly, golden hair shone from the hanging lamp above him. He was a yummy fellow! Julia took a moment to drink him in. His long-sleeved, wheat-colored sweater hugged his firm torso and arms. She liked the way he wore his beard and mustache. Not too long, nor too short.
For a moment, Julia was transported to another time where Ragnvald wore a tunic and a belt with a sword at his side. Since the moment she’d spotted him on the plane, she couldn’t shake the feeling she knew this man. But from where? Taking a deep breath, she stepped toward him with excitement pulsing through her body. She touched his shoulder. Through the soft fabric of his sweater, she felt his heat and his strength. Heaven help me! He raised his head and the corners of his tempting lips lifted. She melted.
“Hello.” He stood and kissed her cheek. His hot breath teased and lingered against her skin.
She closed her eyes, savoring his touch. Words stuck in her throat.
“I’m happy to see you again, Julia,” he whispered against her ear. She heard the sincerity in his low baritone.
“I’m happy to see you too, Ragnvald,” she finally replied.
“Let me help you with your coat,” he offered.
She fiddled with the buttons until his fingers touched her shoulders. She liked the gentle way he removed her coat. Was he taking his time on purpose? She grinned at the thought.
“What would you like to drink?” He pulled out her chair and she sat down.
“A cup of peppermint mocha, please.”
He lay a soft hand on her arm. “Coming right up.”
As he walked away, Julia admired the way his blue jeans hugged his lower body. His wide shoulders beckoned her. On the back of his neck, she spotted a tattoo of a sword hilt when he pulled up his hair. What other tattoos covered his muscular body? Curiosity ignited her imagination. She had never dated a man with tattoos. Or maybe she had and never noticed. All the men she knew didn’t have any such markings. She secretly liked it when a man adorned his body with body art, as long as it was all in good taste and not overdoing it. Ragnvald perked her interest with each passing moment. Her remaining doubts about meeting him faded. A hint of musk reached her nose when he sat in the chair facing her.
“Here you go. Peppermint mocha,” he said, setting the cup down on the table.
“Thank you.”
He sat across from her and smiled. His azure eyes shimmered in the daylight from the window beside them. Reason reminded her not to jump into his strong arms despite the growing temptation. Yet her friend Elle’s words via a text earlier encouraged her. Get back on the horse, darling.
Was it too soon? Julia wondered if it was as she sipped her delicious beverage. Her heart had been shattered. Why had Nigel betrayed her in such a way? She still had no idea despite his many explanations over these last months. Part of he
r blamed herself for working too much. Her clients demanded her decorating skills, she reasoned. Opening her own business was her dream come true. Her parents had supported her since day one. She thought Nigel would support her too. But he never truly cared for her that much.
“How long will you be staying in town?” Ragnvald’s words pierced through her reverie.
“I’m not in a hurry to return home.”
He smiled. Did she imagine the happiness and relief in his eyes? Her own lips curled upward.
“Let me know if you need help with your décor project. I’m pretty good with my hands,” Ragnvald offered.
She blushed. “That’s very kind of you. I will keep your offer in mind.” She sipped her hot drink.
“Do you like your beverage?” he asked, pulling up his sleeves. She noticed more tattoos on his forearms. How intriguing!
She nodded. “It’s delicious. Thank you.” Julia took another sip.
Her heart raced under his intense gaze. How had he managed to help her forget her woes? What magical spell had he put on her? She watched his lips close over the rim of his cup and wondered about their texture. Oh, goodness! What’s wrong with you, girl? Stop thinking about him kissing you!
“Do you ice skate, Julia?”
She nodded. “Yes, though I haven’t skated in a long time. I’m not sure if I remember how.”
“I will catch you if you fall.”
Why is he so nice to me? His kindness unsettled her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed a man’s company, or when a man had wanted to spend time with her. Nigel never cared for date nights. She cursed herself once more for not seeing the signs of her own unhappiness and Nigel’s betrayal.
“Are you all right, Julia?”
She nodded.
“Let’s go skating.” Ragnvald stood and helped her with her coat once they finished their drinks.
“Thank you,” she said.
“My pleasure,” he replied against her ear.
Once he put on his own coat, he offered his arm. Julia placed her gloved hand around his muscular arm, feeling his strength. She thanked her choice of heeled boots. He was a tall devil. Did he think her too short? Don’t worry your head about that.