Whispering Souls Read online

Page 4

  The more she thought about it, the more she knew Nigel was never the one for her. Their four years together had ended in a mess. A waste of time, she sometimes thought with regret. Deep down, she always knew they were never meant to be. And she knew their breakup was for the best. For a long while, Julia didn’t want to see the reality of their relationship. Too many times she’d forced herself to stay with the man she no longer loved. Then one day it was over. Just like that.

  Confusion and anger filled her head and tightened her gut. No good ever came from torturous thoughts. To this day, she wondered why Nigel wouldn’t tell her the real reason he cheated on her. She had asked him why when he’d come to their flat to get the rest of his belongings. “I need to move on with my life, Julia,” was all he’d told her before closing the door.

  It was a blow. Guilt had gnawed at her since that day. She wondered what she had done wrong. Why didn’t she see it coming? She shook her head. Time to move on. No more dwelling on the past.

  Instead, Julia focused on the present moment and on rebuilding her happiness. Her lips curled upward with thoughts of Ragnvald. He was a gentleman with her. In the short time they’d spent together, he had shown genuine interest in her. And his touch melted away some of the hard shell she had built around her heart. Yet she feared another heartbreak. It was too soon for her to fall for another man, especially one as tempting as Ragnvald Hallvardson.

  “Trust your heart.” Her mother’s words echoed in her head.

  In silence, she thanked her family for their presence and comfort. When Aunt Helga and Uncle Erik had invited her to decorate their new home, Julia jumped at the chance to leave London. The one thing she had never expected was to meet someone, especially a sexy and kind man like Ragnvald. Thoughts of her Viking bubbled in her head. Every memory of their evening together brought a smile to her face and a tingle to her depths. Heat infused her. She felt her cheeks blush. Did anyone around her notice? She touched her warm face.

  Taking a deep breath, Julia pulled her cellphone out of her bag and checked the time. In the right upper corner, she noticed a new message notification. Curious, she clicked on it, somehow knowing who had sent her a message.

  Good morning, Julia. Wishing you a very nice time with your family. If you need anything, even just to talk, let me know. See you soon. R.xox

  She placed a hand over her racing heart. Ragnvald was thinking of her too. This morning, before leaving her aunt’s, Julia had dared texting the object of her wild imaginings. She could barely contain the happiness and joy coursing through her body. If she had no other moment with her Viking warrior, she would forever cherish the ones spent with him last night. Her chest tightened with the thought of never seeing him again. It was silly. They barely knew each other. Yet he had marked her life forever. Should she text him back? Before she hesitated too much, she started typing.

  Good morning, Ragnvald. Hope you are doing well. Thank you for a wonderful evening last night and for your kind message this morning. On the train right now. Talk with you soon. Take care. J. xox

  Then she pressed the send button.

  Julia closed her eyes. Ragnvald’s handsome face appeared. She recalled the azure color of his haunting eyes and the way he wore his facial hair in a neat beard and mustache. But most of all, she remembered the way his gaze pierced through her soul. He certainly unsettled her unlike any other man she’d met.

  Ding. Dong. “Sørø Station,” a male voice announced over the train’s intercom.

  Julia fixed her thick scarf around her neck and put on her toque. She glanced outside the train window, grateful she had arrived at her destination. Excitement coursed through her. She couldn’t wait to see her brother, sister-in-law, and her twin niece and nephew. She hadn’t seen them in almost a month. They had decided to leave London for a while to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She understood their reasons.

  With her valise in hand, Julia stepped off the train. A few feet away, her brother Colin waited beside his car as his sweet wife, Fiona, and their adorable children rushed toward her.

  Fiona wrapped her arms around Julia. “Hello, love. I’m so happy you could come see us.” She kissed Julia’s cheek. “How was the train ride here?”


  Fiona chuckled. “Good.”

  Colin took a step forward. “My turn.” He pulled Julia into his arms and hugged her tight. As always, his embrace brought her comfort. “I’ve missed you, sis.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  Julia kneeled and hugged her niece Eugenie and her nephew CJ. “Auntie has missed you.” She kissed their round cheeks.

  “Let’s get out of this bloody cold, shall we?” her brother said, taking her bag while keeping his arm around her shoulder.

  Fiona walked on her other side and took her free hand. “Tell us you’ll be staying with us for a while.”

  “Of course. I’m excited to be here.”

  Colin stopped beside the car and looked at her. “This time away from London will be therapeutic for you.” Her brother echoed her thoughts.

  Julia stepped up into the back of her brother’s dark blue SUV and sank into the comfortable seat beside her niece and nephew. As they drove down the busy street and away from the train station, she admired the Danish people. Their way of life reminded her of how generous and kind they were to her the last time she visited this Nordic country. Maybe that was why Aunt Helga and Uncle Erik had decided to move here earlier this year. Aunt Helga had not only fell in love with her Danish husband but also with his homeland. Julia understood why. Something about this country called to her every time she stepped foot on Danish soil. She felt as though it was her home too.

  “We’re going to have a wonderful time together,” Colin said, breaking through Julia’s daydreaming. “Auntie Helga and Uncle Erik will be joining us tomorrow.”

  Julia smiled, happy that most of her family would be together once more. She wished her parents could join them too. But her father had to finish up his end-of-the-year reports with his contracting business. She hoped her parents would decide to join them once everything was done. There was one other person Julia wished to see—Ragnvald.

  The need to spend some time with him overwhelmed her. The thought of seeing him and touching him again filled her head. Grr! Why couldn’t she get him out of her head? The last thing she wanted was to get involved with another man. And least of all, get hurt again. Reason shouted to stay away from him! Yet her heart yearned for his touch and kisses. The hunger for him gnawed at her.

  A stuffed toy thrown her way broke into her daydreaming. Reality returned. Her surroundings captivated her once more. She couldn’t wait to see the cabin Colin and Fiona had bought for their time in Denmark. Colin had boasted about the cabin for months. They had renovated the old place and managed to make it a home away from home. Soon, Julia would see the results of their efforts.

  As they turned onto a winding road, the cabin appeared. Nestled on a hilltop, the two-story log cabin took her breath away.

  “It’s beautiful.” Julia sat forward, drinking in the view. Snowy treetops surrounded the building while the sun peeked from the thick clouds above.

  “We like it,” Fiona said with pride.

  When they reached the front of the cabin, Colin stopped the car and opened his door. Julia opened hers and stepped outside. Fresh, crisp air filled her lungs. Thoughts of Ragnvald invaded her head. A longing for the Viking warrior wouldn’t leave her. She wanted him with her at this moment. Would he come see me if I asked him? It was a silly idea.

  “Come inside.” Fiona took her hand.

  Julia forced her thoughts back to the present moment.

  * * * *

  Ragnvald couldn’t stop thinking about Julia. He craved her. He wanted to see her. He stopped hammering the piece of metal and wiped his brow with a rag. Outside his forge window, a fresh blanket of snow had fallen overnight. He loved the snow. After spending so many years in England, fog and rai
n had saturated him.

  Besides, he could no longer continue living there. The villagers had started suspecting there was something unusual about him. He disliked lying to the people he had come to know and care for. No one knew about him, not the real him. No one would believe his story. The last thing he wanted was to frighten away the people around him. They would never understand. Would Julia keep an open mind if he told her the truth about himself?

  One thing he knew for sure was that she pulled at his heartstrings unlike any other woman he had met since Arnora. It frightened him. What if he gave her his heart and she didn’t feel the same about him? She’d told him no man held her heart. But he wondered if she would open herself to him. A need to see her overtook him. But he had no idea when he would see her again.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped outside of his forge. Chilled air met his sweaty face, but he didn’t care. He needed to clear his mind. It was madness to follow Julia. Since meeting her, she’d filled his head and made his life a bit sweeter. Her beautiful face haunted him. His dreams last night were filled with images of her. His hands ached to caress every inch of her body. Dammit! I want to see you again, Julia.

  His busy work schedule wouldn’t allow him to find her. Not until he finished forging the sword for a client. Besides, he wasn’t the kind of man to invade someone else’s privacy or wishes. Instead, he pulled out his cellphone and decided to text her. At least that way, he could let her know he was thinking of her. He felt like a young boy, filled with excitement about the girl who had caught his eye. His heart raced.

  As he opened his phone to type the message, a smile formed on his lips. Before meeting Julia, he hadn’t really like technology. But at this moment, he was grateful for it. As he pressed the send button, his heart thumped with a mixture of uncertainty and excitement. What if she didn’t respond or talk to him? He groaned in frustration.

  Ring. Ring.

  He held his breath with the incoming call. Julia’s phone number appeared on the cellphone screen. He hit the answer button, but words stuck in his throat.

  “Hello?” Her melodic voice vibrated through him. “Hello?” she asked again.

  He spoke quickly, not wanting her to hang up. “Julia.”

  “It’s so nice to hear your voice, Ragnvald. How are you doing?”

  “Better now that you’ve called. How are you?” He wondered if she missed him too.

  “I’m well, thanks.”

  Did he detect a note of sadness in her voice? When are you coming back? he wanted to ask her. Instead, he said, “How’s everything going there? Are you enjoying your time with your family?”

  “Yes. It’s wonderful to see them again.”

  “Good. I’m happy. If there’s anything you need, please let me know.”

  “Thank you.”

  He imagined her smile on the other end of the line. “Anytime.”



  She paused before saying, “Would you like to come for dinner tonight?”

  He held back his delight. “Are you sure your family won’t mind?”

  “They won’t mind at all.”

  He hesitated.

  “It would mean so much to me if you could make it,” Julia said.

  Her words reached his gut and his heart. How could he refuse her? He said, “Text me the address.”

  “Thank you. I’ll see you soon,” she said before hanging up.

  Ragnvald’s heart thumped hard with excitement. His wish to see Julia again had come true. After he received her text message with the address for a coffee shop where she wanted to meet him, he had second thoughts. Should I go? She would be disappointed if he didn’t show up. The last thing he wanted was to upset the woman he liked more than anyone he’d liked in a long time. Before he let fear overtake his desire, he locked up his forge and rushed into his house. He climbed up the stairs and grabbed some clothes from his bedroom. With the unpredictable winter weather in these parts, he preferred keeping a spare change of clothing in his vehicle just in case he got stranded somewhere.

  As he packed his clothing, all his thoughts went to Julia. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with her—whatever amount of time that might be. Glancing around him, he made sure he hadn’t forgotten anything he needed for his trip. Then he went downstairs and locked the door behind him. Outside, he inhaled a deep breath before heading toward his parked jeep in the garage.

  Excitement and a light snowfall remained with him as he drove down his driveway and onto the road in his jeep. He couldn’t wait to see Julia again. Only a night had passed since their first date, yet it felt like forever. How was that possible? He shook his head against the doubt settling in his gut. He didn’t always follow his heart. But with Julia, he did. She called to his heart and soul unlike any woman. Was she his one true love, his soulmate? All he knew was that he couldn’t wait to see her again.

  When he reached the highway, the sun glowed through the clouds. Hues of pinks and oranges made for a magical scene. Since the moment he’d met Julia, his heart sang and he started noticing the beauty in everything around him. Even this morning’s coffee tasted better. Thoughts of his English beauty lifted his spirits and made him smile. He wished his jeep would go faster. Calm yourself. You’ll be there soon enough.

  To calm his nerves, he turned on the radio and listened to a classical piece from Bach. Within the first few bars, his body and mind relaxed. He took a deep breath and another until his heart returned to a somewhat normal beat. The fluttering in his stomach didn’t leave him, but he didn’t mind. It was a reminder he was alive.

  Over and over, Ragnvald wondered if he should tell Julia about his curse—the one that had hovered over him for more years than he cared to count. If he told her, would she accept him despite it? He raked a hand across his bearded chin. For now, he wouldn’t worry about that. What mattered was getting to know the woman who haunted his dreams and his thoughts.

  After what seemed like forever, he finally reached Sørø. He parked his truck in front of the coffee shop and texted Julia of his arrival.

  I’m inside, she texted back.

  He got out of his jeep and walked into the shop. Warmth and delicious coffee scents greeted him. And there, sitting beside the window, a beautiful sight caught his eye. Julia. For a moment, he drank in her beauty. Her long, auburn hair begged for his fingers. If only he could untie her ponytail and run his fingers through her thick locks. He wanted to touch what hid under the soft sweater she wore. His body craved hers. He wanted her. His head spun with hunger for Julia. He stepped forward with Thor hammering his heart.


  Her smile melted his body. She was more beautiful than he recalled in his dreams. How was that possible? He leaned down and kissed her cheek, lingering just long enough to breathe in her scent.

  “Hello,” she whispered against his ear. “I’m happy you’re here.”

  He heard the sincerity in her voice. He took her fingers and brought them to his lips. “I couldn’t refuse an occasion to see you again.”

  She blushed. “How was the road coming here? I hope you didn’t have too much trouble.”

  “Not at all.”

  Julia touched his forearm with her small hand. He liked the way her soft touch brought him comfort. He gently pulled her fingers up to his lips. She trembled under his touch. He gave her a reassuring grin, and she smiled back.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” he suggested.

  Julia got up and put on her coat and hat. Her ruby lips lifted while her eyes glimmered. He liked her joy. He liked her very much. Was she the one? Was she his one true love whose soul had waited for him? Only time would tell. Yet the thought of spending his life—mortal or not—with Julia appealed to him with each moment spent with her. Did she feel the same?

  * * * *

  Julia had dreamed about this moment with Ragnvald. She pinched her arm, making sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. When she glanced at him, her heart sang.
She couldn’t recall the last time she enjoyed a man’s company. Twice now, Ragnvald, a man she barely knew, had taken time to spend with her. He had shown interest in her and wanted to know about her. Best of all, he had traveled all this way to see her. He had put aside whatever he was doing to be with her.

  “Are you all right?”

  Ragnvald’s voice broke through her reverie. She stopped, faced him, and touched his face. “Thank you for coming to see me.”

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her brow and then her cheek. His hot breath teased her skin. “Your wish is my command.”

  Her knees melted, and her depths tingled. Julia held onto his narrow waist and anchored herself. She stilled, hoping he’d kiss her again. And he did so, tracing a path from her ear to the corner of her mouth. He lingered, pressing feather-light kisses on each side of her lips. With the tip of his finger, he moved her chin, turning her head. A breath caught in her throat.

  His lips moved over hers in a slow, deliberate movement. Her body tingled a bit more. He brought her closer, his hard body pressed against hers. Heaven help me! She liked the way his strong hands held her lower back. She gasped when his tongue begged for hers to join him in a dance of pleasure. And she accepted.

  Their surroundings faded in a blissful delight. Nothing existed except their racing hearts and ragged breaths. Her dream of seeing him again came true. He had granted her wish for more of his kisses. She pressed against him and tilted her head, letting him savor her more. She hoped he knew how much she missed his kisses and him. A chilled breeze whipped across her face. Reality came back to them and Ragnvald kissed her brow.

  “Let’s get out of this cold.” She offered her gloved hand.

  “Lead the way, milady.”

  When they reached his parked vehicle, Julia asked, “Are you okay with meeting my family?”

  He glided his thumb along her chin, sending a wave of heat through her. “I’m honored to meet them.”

  Reassured, she smiled. “Let’s go then.”

  * * * *

  Ragnvald got into his jeep and Julia sat beside him. They drove down the road then up another until they reached a log cabin. A hint of fear and uncertainty gnawed him. Part of him preferred some privacy with Julia. He wanted to touch her and kiss her. Later, he thought with excitement. For now, he would meet her family. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d met a woman’s family.