Whispering Souls Read online

Page 7

  She touched his jaw. “Thank you for caring.”

  “I’m here for you.”

  “I know.” Julia leaned in and kissed his cheek.

  “Come.” Ragnvald stood. “Let’s get you warmed up.”

  She stood and took his hand.

  Chapter 5

  Julia sipped her cup of tea in the kitchen. Peace and quiet surrounded her—for now. She dreaded seeing Nigel again. Any minute, he would come downstairs and find her. She took a deep breath and prayed for courage.

  Part of her wanted to leave and avoid seeing anyone altogether, but she couldn’t do that to her family or to Ragnvald. She wasn’t letting Nigel dictate her, not anymore. She could demand Nigel leave. She had the right to do so. He wasn’t welcomed there.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” The familiar baritone made her smile.

  Julia closed her eyes, savoring the tingle Ragnvald caused in her once more. She sucked in a breath of pleasure when he placed his arms around her. His gesture reassured her. She had thought for sure he would be angry with her for not telling him sooner about Nigel.

  Before he could say anything, Julia uttered, “I’m sorry.”

  Ragnvald gently turned her around. “You’ve done nothing wrong.” He lifted her chin. “Everyone has a past, and we all make mistakes.”

  Reassured, Julia placed her cup on the nearby countertop and hugged him. “Thank you for understanding.” With her head pressed against his chest, she said, “I wish he would leave me alone.”

  “I can demand he leave you alone. I don’t mind at all kicking him into the snowstorm.”

  Julia looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you for caring.”

  Ragnvald kissed her fingers. “I don’t want him or anyone to hurt you.”

  “He won’t as long as you’re here with me.”

  Her Viking drew her into his arms.

  Julia stepped back and checked the time on her phone. “Colin and Fiona should be on their way back now.”

  Ragnvald took her hand and brought her fingers against his warm lips. His gaze held her still. Her knees quivered, and her depths tingled. She wanted to run upstairs and stay in bed and in his comforting arms until her brother returned. She let the idea form in her mind until—

  “Good morning, Julia.”

  Nigel’s voice made her nauseous.

  She closed her eyes, wishing he would go away. “Please, let this be a bad dream and let me wake up,” she whispered.

  As she opened her eyes, Julia watched Nigel pour some coffee into a mug. She stepped away. Everything about him irritated her. He had hurt her beyond reason. His lies and utter disrespect for her caused her to blame herself for their disastrous relationship. Why had he come there after everything that had happened? Why now? And how did he know she was there with her family? Was Nigel stalking her?

  “The air is getting stale in here. I’m stepping outside for a bit,” she declared.

  “Want some company?” Ragnvald offered.

  She gave him a reassuring grin. “I’ll be all right.”

  After dressing in her warm coat, gloves, and boots, Julia went outside. Chilled air greeted her cheeks and nostrils. She needed to clear her mind. And she needed to get away from Nigel. As she walked away from the cabin, Julia felt her vitality return. A weight vanished from her shoulders. She hadn’t noticed until now how much Nigel ate away her energy.

  She stopped and inhaled a deep breath. Glancing around, Julia realized she didn’t know much about the area, so she decided to stay close to the cabin. Tall, snowy pine trees surrounded her. Before she lost her way, Julia turned back around. She looked at the cabin and sighed. She really didn’t want to go back in there. Walking past Nigel’s car, she noticed that he had left his keys in the ignition. Deciding to drive into town and find a nearby coffee shop, she climbed inside and started the engine.

  As she drove down the road, the snowfall intensified and accumulated in front of her. Winds howled and made visibility difficult. She could barely see the road ahead. Christ! She regretted her plan. She decided to turn around, but she couldn’t find enough road or a driveway, so she had to continue on. Maybe the town wasn’t too far away. Turning the wipers on high, she prayed she’d find some sign of civilization soon. Where the hell am I?

  Her belly twisted with fear. With more snow piling up, the car swerved. Julia steered, doing her best to keep going straight. Keep calm. Julia focused on the road ahead while images of Ragnvald bounced in her mind. She wished to have his arms around her. Why did I leave the house? She let out a grunt and prayed for a safe way to return to him. Silence contrasted with her thumping heart. Unshed tears stung her eyes. She felt lost in the white curtain of snow surrounding her.

  Heaven help me! Please show me the way back home. The tires slid one way and then the other. She held her breath and swerved to avoid a snowbank. Another pile of snow came into her view. She lost control of the car and hit the snowbank. Thump.

  * * * *

  Ragnvald raked a trembling hand through his hair. Julia should have been back by now. He stood outside and looked around. His hot breath twirled in the chilled air. Where did she go? Silly woman! Risking her life in this snowstorm was madness. Above all, he cursed Nigel. Damn him for perturbing the woman he loved!

  Whoa! The thought of love for Julia filled his heart. He couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips. He loved Julia. Panic filled him more. He had to find her. Where would he start? Without another moment lost, he jumped into his truck and drove down the road.

  The snow accumulated under the tires. He couldn’t see much of his surroundings. Fordømt! Dammit! Haunting thoughts of Julia stuck somewhere bounced in his head. He pushed those images away. She was all right. She had to be.

  Ring. Ring.

  Parking his truck on the side of the road, he pulled out his cellphone and checked the caller ID. He answered, “Julia?”

  “I’m lost. I need your help. Please.”

  He heard the desperation and fear in her voice. “Where are you, sweetheart? Can you see any markings?”

  After a moment of silence, she replied, “I see a road sign on my right. I’m not sure but I think it says Sørø.”

  “I know where that is. Stay in the car. I’ll be right there.”

  “Hurry up. I’m afraid, Ragnvald.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I’m coming. Just stay in the car.”

  Click. She’d disconnected the call.

  He drove toward her. He wanted to go faster, but the snow wouldn’t let him. Calm down. He needed all his wits. All his senses went on alert. His heart thundered as he approached where Julia had told him about the road sign. He saw a car, but no one was in it. Fear twisted his gut. Where did she go? He parked behind the car and got out. Blowing snow whipped his face. He searched left and right, but he didn’t see her anywhere. He cursed against the wind. Where are you, Julia? He walked to the edge of the road, climbing atop the snow pile, searching for the woman he loved.

  “Julia,” he called out and waited. “Julia!”

  Then to his right the wind carried her cry. “I’m over here. Help me!”

  He rushed through knee-deep snow. Snowflakes chilled his eyes, and he blinked to clear his vision. He couldn’t see her.

  “Julia!” he cried out.

  “I’m over here!”

  He stopped and focused on the sound of her voice. Then he saw her lying in the snow. With one swift stride, he reached her. He kneeled at her side, cradling her head. “What happened? Are you all right?”

  “I can’t feel my legs.”

  “Why didn’t you wait for me?” He touched her chilled face.

  “I thought I saw a police car coming to help me.” She looked away. “When I got out of the car, I got turned around in the snowfall. I tried finding my way, but I tripped and hit my head and fell and…” Tears filled her eyes.

  Anger burned in his stomach. “I shouldn’t have let you go out alone.”

  “I don’t blame you. I nee
ded to be alone.” Her voice shook.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart. You’re safe now.” He gently lifted her off the ground and carried her to his truck. He opened the passenger door and helped her inside.

  He touched her cheek, thankful he had found her. He pushed away the haunting thoughts of losing her. A shiver ran through him. When he sat beside her in the driver’s seat, he took Julia’s hand and pressed her chilled fingers against his lips.

  “You gave me such a fright,” he whispered around the lump stuck in his throat.

  “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She leaned her head against his chin.

  He kissed her brow. “You’re forgiven and safe.”

  She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. Her lips beckoned him. He glided his thumb along her mouth. His body tingled, and his jeans tightened against his groin.

  “I don’t want to go back to my brother’s,” she whispered. “Take me to your home.”

  Ragnvald kissed her cheek and started the engine.

  * * * *

  Julia’s heart thumped hard in her chest. Thankfully, her headache was beginning to fade.

  “How are you feeling?” Ragnvald asked.

  Julia rubbed her throbbing brow. “Better now that you’re here with me. Thank you for finding me. I feel so foolish for leaving.”

  “I understand why you did, and I certainly don’t blame you.” He kissed her fingers. “We’ll stop at the cabin first to grab your belongings. Is that okay?”

  She nodded with reluctance.

  As they drove through the deep snow, Julia relaxed. She inhaled a deep, soothing breath and another, praying for her stomach to stop twisting at the thought of seeing Nigel again. She still couldn’t believe he had traveled all this way to see her. How dare he! After the emotional turmoil Nigel had put her through, the last thing she needed was to see him again. And yet, there he was.

  Ragnvald’s hand gently squeezed her fingers. She took comfort in his touch. He was there for her, unlike any other person she knew besides her family. She’d thought Nigel would never break her heart. Unshed tears stung her eyes. She rested her head against the seat and let Ragnvald comfort her. She closed her heavy eyelids until they reached her brother’s cabin.

  “I’ll get your bag,” Ragnvald said.

  Julia opened her eyes. “I need to face Nigel and tell him to leave me and my family alone.”

  “Are you certain? I don’t want him to be hurtful toward you again.”

  She kissed his lips. “If there’s anything I know, it’s that you’re there to punch him.”

  He chuckled, then his gaze turned serious. “Are you ready?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  He lifted her chin with his forefinger and gave her a reassuring smile. “Let’s go.”

  Julia opened the car door and stepped out. The silence around her contrasted with the thundering in her heart. She glanced at Ragnvald’s handsome face. His presence gave her courage. The sun pierced through the thick clouds. Hues of pinks and oranges kissed the tree line behind the cabin. She wondered if Colin and Fiona had returned home. Maybe Colin had parked his car in the garage.

  Ragnvald rubbed her back. “I’m here for you.”

  Julia nodded. “Thank you,” she replied as they walked up the front steps to the cabin door. She stopped.

  “Are you okay?”

  She touched his cheek. “Just a bit nervous.”

  “We’ll just get your things and take you to my home where you will be safe.”

  “How can I ever thank you?” she whispered.

  He blushed. “We can find some sort of arrangement.”

  Her body tingled at the sound of his husky baritone. She cleared her throat and turned the doorknob. When she opened the door, an argument reached her ears. Keeping her hand within Ragnvald’s, Julia stilled. Then she stepped inside.

  “There you are.” Colin walked up to her and hugged her. “You had me worried. Nigel told me you left in the snowstorm.”

  “Yes, well. I needed some air. Is Nigel is still here?” A part of her had hoped he’d called a cab and left when he realized she had taken his car.

  “Yes. He’s in the kitchen. He says he came to ask for your forgiveness.”

  She didn’t want to see him again or hear any of his excuses. She didn’t want to speak about the pain she felt inside. Her head hurt.

  “I’m heading back to the city,” Julia said.

  “What? Why?” Fiona stood. “Stay, please.”

  “I wish I could,” Julia replied, stepping back. “Thank you both for inviting me. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Nigel appeared from the kitchen. “Where is my car?”

  He stared at her without saying another word. She froze with terror. Something in his eyes gave her the chills.

  “I borrowed it and got stuck in the snow,” Julia said. “I’ll call a towing company and have it returned to you.”

  Ragnvald took her hand. “It was nice meeting you, Colin and Fiona. Thank you for your generosity. I hope to see you again.”

  “It was nice meeting you too, Ragnvald,” Colin replied, offering his hand. “Take care of my sister.” Colin hugged Julia. “I’m sorry about Nigel showing up here. Call me when you get back in the city.”

  She nodded. “Will do.”

  Julia climbed the stairs and packed her belongings into her bag. When she walked back downstairs, Fiona waited for her.

  “Tell me what happened while we were away.”

  Tears filled Julia’s eyes. Words stuck in her throat. Fiona took her hand.

  Julia whispered, “Nigel is acting as if he’s innocent.”

  “What did he do, love? Tell me.” Fiona’s eyes pleaded.

  Julia looked over Fiona’s shoulder. She couldn’t hear what Nigel was telling her brother. “I’m not going back to Nigel. Never. Not after what he’s done.”

  “What did he do to you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Julia said, hoping her sister-in-law understood.

  Fiona nodded and hugged her. Somehow Julia knew Fiona understood her. Would Colin feel the same way and not ask her any questions about her failed relationship with Nigel? She hoped so. How could she begin to explain to them what her former fiancé did to her? The pain in her heart and soul remained raw.

  Julia looked at Ragnvald. Her lips curled upward. Her heart sang. She was happy. Yet she feared that happiness would escape her all because of Nigel. She had seen the hint of anger and jealousy in her ex-fiancé’s eyes. It was the same look she’d noticed in his eyes when her colleague had invited her to his engagement party last year. Nigel had no reason to be jealous, but he didn’t like another man talking to her.

  She couldn’t spend another moment around him. “I’m sorry I can’t stay. I’ll call you later.” Julia kissed Fiona’s cheek. “Please tell Colin I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about your brother. I’ll talk to him.” Fiona wrapped her arms around Julia.

  “Thank you.”

  Julia walked over to Ragnvald. “Are you ready?” he whispered against her ear.

  She nodded.

  When they opened the door and stepped outside, wind whipped their faces and twirled the fresh snow, making visibility difficult. Christ! They weren’t going anywhere until the winds calmed down and the roads cleared. Her gut twisted.

  Ragnvald gathered her in his arms. “Let’s get inside before we freeze.”

  “What about Nigel?”

  Ragnvald held her tight. “Don’t worry about him. I’m here now.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured against his chest.

  He cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips against hers. She wanted more of his kisses. She wanted to stay in his arms. But it was time to face reality and the man who had betrayed her. With a heavy foot and her Viking in tow, Julia walked inside. Before heading into the living room, she stopped.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Ragnvald laid a hand on her shoulder. “W
e can go upstairs and stay there until you’re ready.”

  She smiled and inhaled a deep breath. For a moment, she considered his idea. Before she lost her courage, Julia said, “No. I must face him. It’s time.”

  “Are you sure?” He glided a thumb along her chin.

  She nodded.

  “I’m here if you need me.”

  Julia stepped into the living room. Colin raised his head. “What’s wrong?”

  Her brother could always tell when something bothered her. She bit her lower lip, unsure what to say about something she’d rather forget. Months had passed, and she had avoided sharing with her family what had happened to her. She wished it was all a bad dream and she would wake up in bed with Ragnvald.

  “Come on, spit it out.” Colin gently brought her aside. “Julia.”

  Julia stared at her brother, unsure how to tell him about her ex-fiancé’s behavior toward her. “It’s about Nigel.”

  Colin glanced over her shoulder at Nigel. “What has he done? You never told me why you broke up.”

  Her body shook with the memories of Nigel’s mistreatment, of all the hurt he had caused her. “Nigel…” she started to say. “I should’ve told you the truth, but I know you were friends with Nigel.”

  “You’re my sister.” Colin took her hands. “You mean more to me than any friendship. Now, tell me what he’s done to you.”

  * * * *

  Ragnvald brushed a nervous hand through his hair. He stared out the kitchen window. Fordømt! He couldn’t hear the conversation in the living room. For the past hour, Colin had been talking with Julia and Nigel. He hoped Colin took his sister’s side. His gut twisted. He wanted to grab Nigel’s collar and teach him how to treat a woman with respect. How dare he treat Julia in such a despicable matter!

  “Come sit.” Fiona stood beside him with a glass of amber liquid.

  “Thank you.” Ragnvald took the glass and sipped its contents. Scotch whiskey always calmed his nerves. He sat at the counter beside Fiona. She was pretty and kind. He understood why Julia loved her sister-in-law.

  “I’m sure everything is all right in there. My husband is an understanding man.” Fiona sipped her drink.