Whispering Souls Read online

Page 6

  * * * *

  Ragnvald kissed Julia’s brow and pulled her into his arms. He felt alive and happy. Yet fear gnawed at him. He feared losing Julia. Would she be taken away from him like Arnora? He shook his head, chasing away the useless thoughts. Outside, the sky had darkened, and snow had started to fall from the clouds, piling on the ground. Did Julia want him to stay with her again tonight? He hoped so.

  She had awoken sensations inside him that he thought had vanished. She had opened his heart. Reason warned him to take his time with her. He couldn’t bear another heartbreak. Even after all these years, he carried the pain of losing his beloved. The heaviness weighed within his heart to this day. But thanks to Julia, that weight had lightened.

  Leaning over, he kissed her brow, grateful for this moment with her. Her passion touched him. He had certainly died and now found himself in Valhalla. He finally understood his clansmen’s tales about the gifts sent from the gods. When his body connected to Julia’s, their hearts and souls united. The gods had finally blessed him.

  Part of him didn’t want to leave her embrace. Soon her brother and his wife would return, breaking their peaceful moment together. With great care, he arose from the bed. He looked out at the darkened sky. Strong winds howled outside. Snow had accumulated fast on the windowsill and on the ground below.

  Soft hands surrounded his waist from behind. Hot breath whispered against his naked back. “It looks like a storm out there. I think you might have to stay another night.”

  Her British accent sounded sweeter at this moment. He grinned. His hands covered hers, savoring her touch. When her fingers glided down his torso, his groin pulsed. Desire burned anew for Julia. One more kiss wouldn’t hurt, he reasoned. He turned and pressed his lips against hers, drinking from her honeyed nectar. As soon as his mouth connected to hers, his will to resist taking her again faded. She was his Valkyrie and he was in Valhalla.

  “I’m glad your brother invited me to stay last night. Do you think he’d be okay with me staying another night? And what about you—are you okay with it?” he asked, worried.

  Julia cupped his face. “Of course. Your presence brings me joy. Besides, my brother knows I’m a big girl who can be very stubborn when I want something or someone.”

  He ran a finger along her chin, admiring her fierce side.

  A muffled ringtone came from Julia’s jeans draped on the chair. She pulled out her phone. Concern veiled her face.

  “Everything all right?”

  She nodded. “Fiona just texted me saying the authorities have closed the roads due to the storm coming, so they won’t be able to get home until tomorrow. That means my aunt and uncle won’t be here tonight either.” Julia put the phone back in her pocket. “I guess you’re stuck with me for the night.”

  He stepped forward. “I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be,” he said, gliding his thumb along her moist lips.

  His groin tightened. He needed to taste Julia’s lips. When his mouth captured hers, she kissed him back with hunger. He learned fast what she liked and how their bodies joined. He enjoyed the challenge of discovering more about her. He wanted to know more about this enchanting creature. What else tickled her fancy?

  Her fingers slid down his belly and reached his aroused manhood. His breath caught in his throat. Her hand stopped moving. She looked at him with a coy grin. She excited him beyond his wildest imagination. No woman had dared explore his body without shyness until Julia.

  “Your touch pleases me,” he murmured. “I’m grateful my first time was with you.”

  “Was your first time like you thought it would be?”

  He blushed. “Better.” Bringing her closer, he asked, “Did you like it?”

  “I did.” She chewed on her bottom lip as her fingers wrapped around his shaft.

  Her hand explored while he reveled in her intimate touch. His knees weakened. He shivered. A need for Julia overwhelmed him. Before he lost his mind, Ragnvald lifted her and lay her gently upon the bed. His lips took hers, tasting and teasing her.

  A knock from a branch hitting against the window broke the moment. His heart gave a start. In Julia’s eyes, a hint of fear reflected his own. The dim light from the lamp flickered.

  “I’ll grab some candles in case we lose power.” Julia got up.

  In the golden light, he admired the soft curves of her body. She was a true beauty, inside and out. His heart thundered in his chest. She turned to him and smiled. His own lips curled upward. Winds howled outside, startling her. At once, he went to her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Let’s get a fire in the hearth for heat too.” He kissed her brow. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  He slipped into his jeans and t-shirt while Julia wrapped herself in a thick burgundy robe. “My brother keeps the logs in the kitchen, beside the back door,” she said, following him outside the bedroom and down the stairs.

  Once he found the logs, he gathered them together and placed them in the hearth in the living room. Julia stood at the window. Her beauty took his breath away. He stared at her, commanding this moment to memory.

  “Let’s get this place warmed up,” he said.

  Julia stepped toward him and glided her hand along his arm in a slow motion. He loved her touch.

  “I’ll go make us a cup of hot chocolate,” she offered.

  She left the room. Ragnvald struck a long match. Within moments, a nice fire warmed him. He sat on the loveseat across from the stone hearth and stared into the low burning flames. Memories of a long-ago time passed through his mind. A time when he enjoyed a cup of ale with his friends, sitting in front of a fire such as this one. He missed his fellow clansmen. He’d never had any siblings, but he did count his clansmen as his brothers. Throughout his lifetime, friends had come and gone. Some days, Ragnvald wished for a friend or two to have a beer with now. Someone he could confide in, but he knew that kind of friendship couldn’t last.

  “Here you go. A nice warm cup of hot chocolate. I made us some ham and tomato sandwiches too. I hope you like it. It’s my favorite snack.” She smiled as she set a tray on the coffee table.

  “It’s mine too.” It was the truth.

  He kissed her cheek.

  She blushed.

  He picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite of it and then another.

  “What’s the verdict?”

  He smiled. “Best sandwich I’ve had in years. Thank you.”

  “I’m happy you like it. The bakery in town makes the best bread.”

  He took another bite. After eating the whole sandwich, he realized how hungry he had been. The last meal he had eaten was that morning. Other matters had occupied his mind today. Once they both finished, Julia laid her head back against the sofa and stared into the fire. Peace and quiet surrounded them. He enjoyed this moment and cherished every minute spent with this beautiful creature. He must have done something right for her to be put in his path or him in hers. Whatever the reason, he was forever grateful.

  “Want to play a game?”

  Curious, Ragnvald nodded. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Have you ever played checkers?”

  “I’ve heard of the game but never had the occasion of playing.”

  “Now’s your chance.” Julia stood and walked over to the TV armoire.

  Within moments, she returned to his side with a checkers game in her hands. She smiled at him, and her eyes sparkled in the golden glow of the lighting. She was an enchanting sight. A dream come true.

  After she placed the game on the small table beside the window and explained the rules to him, she asked, “Ready?”

  He nodded.

  “Let’s make this game interesting. What do you say?” She took a step closer and stood on tiptoe in front of him. “Winner will be granted any wish.”

  Her honeyed voice caused all the blood to course down to his groin. She was pure temptation. He wanted to drink from her lips until he no longer felt his own mouth. His body cra
ved hers. But he couldn’t give in to his desires—not yet, and not if Julia didn’t feel the same. He couldn’t deny the way she responded to his kisses, his touch. She wanted him too, that he knew. Joy and a sense of relief filled him. Ragnvald gathered Julia into his arms and kissed her brow.

  * * * *

  Julia closed her eyes. The hard wall of Ragnvald’s chest brought her a now familiar comfort. How could she be so at ease with a person so fast? Was she losing her heart too? Slowly, she took a step back.

  “Are you all right?” His hand rested on her shoulder.

  She looked at him and nodded. His hand found its way up her neck and settled on her cheek in a gentle caress. She couldn’t resist his touch. Something about Ragnvald called to her. Julia couldn’t explain it.

  “Let’s play.” He offered his hand.

  With each turn on the game board, she watched him as they played. Her gaze took in his handsome face, his full lips, and wide shoulders, and memories of his naked body against hers burned and ignited within her. She wanted to feel him on her skin and inside her.

  “King me,” she said, pushing the round game piece.

  Twenty minutes later, Julia won the game. She studied Ragnvald’s smile, and for a moment she wondered if he had lost on purpose. But it didn’t matter.

  He joined his fingers to hers and brought her into his arms. Without a word, Julia removed her robe and undressed Ragnvald. Then their lips connected. He tasted like chocolate. Her head spun. Her depths tingled and pulsed.

  Ragnvald cupped her face and looked at her. His blue eyes penetrated her soul. In the golden light of the hearth, the shadows danced on his handsome face. From his brow to his bearded chin, she liked the way God had created him. Not only did he appeal to her physically, he possessed qualities she admired. She wanted to spend every waking moment with him. She wanted him by her side at night too. It was a crazy notion, she knew, one she couldn’t share with him yet.

  “You take my breath away, Julia.”

  She blushed as he glided his thumb along her bottom lip. A honeyed sensation started within her whole body. She pressed herself against his pulsing hardness. He wanted her, she couldn’t deny it.

  “I want you inside me,” she murmured, not regretting her request.

  Ragnvald picked her up and carried her to the sofa, taking her lips hostage. As she straddled him, her heart drummed in her ears. Without another moment lost, she glided herself along his hot length, taking him within her. His low grunt resounded through her, encouraging her daring move. Their tongues twirled and tasted as their bodies rocked to and fro. Her head spun with every flick of his masterful tongue. A breath caught in her throat when his hands ran down her back and found their way on her buttocks. She shivered with pleasure only her Viking could bring her.

  He cupped her face. “You are so beautiful.”

  She melted under his burning stare.

  “Thanks again for coming all this way to see me,” she said, running a hand along his warm face.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  He laid Julia on the sofa and lifted her thigh. His hardness found its way back inside her. She closed her eyes and savored the way he felt. When the branches hit the windows, she stilled.

  “We’re safe inside,” he assured her, brushing back a strand of her hair.

  Julia nodded.

  Ding. Dong.

  Julia’s heart gave a start.

  “Maybe whoever it is, they will go away,” Ragnvald whispered.

  Julia nodded. The doorbell rang again, and then a third time. Julia sighed. It appeared whoever it was wasn’t going to give up.

  “I’ll go see who it is.” Standing, she kissed Ragnvald and put on her robe. “It could be my aunt and uncle.”

  Julia walked to the door, and when she opened it, she froze. Her eyes played tricks on her for sure. This can’t be.

  Before she lost the last of her composure, she said, “Nigel. What are you doing here?” She didn’t regret her harsh tone. “My brother didn’t tell me you were coming here.”

  He smiled. “I wanted to surprise you all.”

  She was definitely surprised. And stunned. The last person she wanted to see at this moment was her ex-fiancé. Before she uttered another word, Nigel kissed her cheek.

  Julia rushed back to the living room and rejoined Ragnvald. “We have unexpected company.”

  “Who is it?” Ragnvald stood. “You look worried.”

  “It’s my ex-fiancé.”

  * * * *

  Words stuck in Ragnvald’s throat. Questions bubbled in his head. Did Julia mention this man before today? He couldn’t remember. He looked at her. The color drained from her features. In her eyes, he noted the anger. He guessed this man’s visit wasn’t expected or welcomed. At once, his protective instincts kicked in. He wanted to protect Julia at all costs.

  “Nigel. This is my very good friend, Ragnvald Hallvardson.” Julia looked at him. “Ragnvald, this is Nigel, my ex-fiancé.”

  The man standing in front of Ragnvald looked like he had just stepped out of the page of a catalogue. Every hair was in place, and his clothes looked like they had just come out of the package. Reluctantly, Ragnvald offered his hand. Nigel hesitated for a moment, then clasped his hand. His grip was firm, but his hand was soft. Ragnvald would wager he’d never done a day’s physical labor in his life.

  “I’m happy to meet one of Julia’s friends,” Nigel said with a hint of arrogance.

  Ragnvald’s fist itched to teach this man a lesson in manners. Dropping by unannounced, and in the middle of his moment with Julia, bothered him.

  “Nice meeting you,” he replied out of respect for Julia. He didn’t like Nigel at all. Something about him didn’t settle well in his gut. Indeed, his insides twisted with every moment passed in his company. He needed a strong drink. “I’ll get us some whiskey.”

  “I’ll help you,” Julia offered, rushing to his side.

  When they reached the kitchen, Julia touched his arm. “I’m so sorry. Truly. I didn’t know—”

  Ragnvald pulled her into his arms, reassuring her. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.”

  She bit her lower lip. He held her until her trembling ceased. “I meant to tell you about Nigel. I swear to you.” She looked into his eyes.

  “It’s all right. We’ll talk about this later. For now, let’s see what he wants.”

  She nodded.

  “Are you okay?” He worried about her.

  “I will be once he’s gone.”

  He rubbed her back. “I’ll take care of that. In the meantime, some alcohol will help relax you.”

  Julia opened the cupboard and reached for the whiskey bottle. Her hand shook. Ragnvald took the bottle and poured the amber liquid into the glasses.

  “Forgive me,” she whispered.

  Ragnvald tipped her chin. In her eyes, unshed tears glistened. “I can kick him out for you. Just give me the word.”

  He could see his plan tempted her.

  “We can leave in the morning if you want,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  He kissed her brow. “Let’s join our guest.”

  “How long are you here for?” Julia asked Nigel after they returned to the living room.

  She’d taken the words out of Ragnvald’s mouth.

  “A week,” Nigel replied, taking the glass from her hand. “I needed some time away from the city. And since your brother had said I was welcomed here anytime, I thought why not now.” He sipped his drink. “And I wanted to see you, darling.”

  “You know it’s over between us, Nigel. And I’m sure my brother’s offer no longer applies to you. No one wants you here,” Julia said with anger in her voice.

  “A man can change his mind, can’t he?” Nigel replied.

  “Not when the lady told you she no longer wanted you,” Ragnvald said, defending Julia.

  When he turned to Julia, she gave a short nod. Yet despair filled her eyes. It was a silent request. He need
ed to do something, say something more in her defense. He didn’t yet know the whole story, but seeing the pain in Julia’s eyes shook Ragnvald to his core.

  He looked back to Nigel. “I’m not sure what your reasons are for showing up here, or what happened between you and Julia, but clearly she doesn’t appreciate your presence.”

  Nigel’s eyes widened. “How dare you interfere in our matters.”

  Ragnvald’s heart pumped. Anger boiled within him. No longer holding back, he said, “It is my place as a man to interfere when I see another man disrespect a woman’s wishes. Especially the woman I care for very much.”

  Nigel raised his voice. “Who do you think you are, speaking to me in such a way?”

  Julia placed her fingers on Ragnvald’s arm. “This man respects me and cares for me. Something I could never say about you, Nigel.”

  Nigel regarded her with dark eyes. But Julia held her ground and faced him with courage. Ragnvald wanted to pummel the man and kick him out. An awkward silence filled the room.

  “I can’t do this, not again,” Julia declared. “I need some air.”

  Before Ragnvald could say a word, she grabbed her coat and boots and ran out of the cabin.

  Nigel turned to Ragnvald. “She’s always been such a dramatic woman.” He lifted his glass and drank.

  Ragnvald held back another urge to pummel the awful man. “I love her passion.”

  “Ha! She’s fooled you too.”

  Taking a step closer, Ragnvald said, “She has fooled no one, sir. I will only ask you once more to leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Nigel said, dropping his weight into the chair.

  Not wanting to cause any problems for Julia, Ragnvald grunted and left the room before the man met his fist. He rushed outside and found Julia sitting on the swinging bench. His heart sank as he noticed her wet cheeks. Her hot breath leaving her mouth crystallized with the chilled air. At once, he sat beside her and drew her into his arms.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

  He kissed her brow. “You have done nothing wrong.” Lifting her chin, he added, “I can kick him out right now. Just say the words.”