Whispering Souls Page 18
“Come, rest.”
Julia sat beside him on the sofa. He placed the blanket over their legs, and they sipped whiskey in comfortable silence.
“This is nice.” Julia rested her head against his shoulder.
He kissed her brow. “I’m happy you’re here.”
She looked into his eyes. “I’m glad you didn’t go anywhere.”
He chuckled. “I had thought about it.”
“Really? Where did you plan on going?”
“Back to my village.”
Tears formed in her eyes.
Ragnvald pulled her into his embrace. “The gods had decided that I should stay here for you. But I didn’t know that until you showed up.”
Her rosy lips curled upward. “My brother insisted I find you.”
“I’ll have to thank him,” he said, rubbing his thumb along her chin.
Julia raised her glass. “To Colin!”
He tapped his glass against hers. “To Colin!”
Outside, the wind picked up. Then the lights went out. Only the fire in the hearth illuminated the room.
“I’ll go check the breaker box.” He kissed her cheek and placed the blanket over her shoulders. “I’ll be right back.”
She nodded.
He found his way through the kitchen and into the laundry room at the back of the house. There, he lit the flashlight on his cellphone and checked the breaker box. A breaker hadn’t been thrown. He switched everything off to avoid any surge once the electricity came back on.
Then he glanced outside to see that the nearby neighbor’s lights were still on. Why were his lights off then? A shiver ran down his spine as his senses went on alert. Ragnvald wondered if thieves might be lurking in the darkness. He wished he had his sword. No matter, he could rely on his combat skills.
Bang. Bang. Loud popping noises echoed in the house.
* * * *
Julia’s heart jumped. In the light of the hearth, she looked around her.
“Ragnvald,” she called out.
No answer.
Pushing back the rising fear, Julia stood on shaky legs. Ragnvald is all right, she told herself. Yet she remained on alert. She felt her way to the front door where she found Ragnvald’s hockey stick. With a steady grip around the stick, she stepped carefully toward the back of the house. As she passed the kitchen, she prayed she’d find Ragnvald safe and sound.
A ruckus stilled her movement. She tightened her grip on the hockey stick. Then the moonlight appeared through the window nearby. Julia saw Ragnvald and another man fighting. She held her breath. Then she saw the other man’s face.
“Nigel! No!”
Julia took a step forward, raising the stick over her head. But she couldn’t get a good aim. Christ! When Nigel finally had his back to her, Julia aimed and brought the hockey stick down on his head. Taking no chances, she hit him again. Nigel fell to the floor.
“Quick, grab the rope on the table over there. We can tie him up,” Ragnvald said with a weak voice.
Julia found the rope and handed it to him. He then collapsed.
“Ragnvald!” Julia kneeled and lifted his head. She noticed seeping blood staining his sweater. “No,” she cried.
Removing her own sweater, Julia covered his bullet wound and put some pressure on it. She pulled out her phone and called emergency services. Then she looked at Nigel, unconscious but alive. She grabbed his gun and hoped she didn’t need to use it against him. While Julia waited for the ambulance, she kept pressure on Ragnvald’s stomach wound.
“Please, my love. Talk to me.”
Ragnvald opened his eyes.
“I’m here,” she said through stinging tears.
“I’ll be okay,” he said with a reassuring grin. “I can’t die, remember?”
But the blood wouldn’t stop flowing. It wasn’t like the movies she’d seen where the wound closed on its own. Julia feared for Ragnvald’s life. What if the curse had ended? He took her hand in his cold one. A tear rolled down her cheek. Her mind raced. She had no idea what else to do.
From afar, she heard sirens announcing the ambulance’s arrival.
“They’re here. Hold on, my love.”
He nodded. “My Valkyrie. You saved me.”
She managed to smile. “I’ll always be here for you.”
He kissed her fingers.
“Hello,” a voice called out from the living room.
Relief washed over Julia. Yet fear of losing Ragnvald remained heavy on her heart.
“In here.”
One of the medical technicians rushed into the laundry room. He kneeled beside them.
“Please save him.”
“We’ll do our best,” he assured her.
While the medic cared for Ragnvald, the other looked at Nigel.
Julia said, “I knocked him out with a hockey stick. Here’s the gun he used on us.” She handed the weapon to the man.
“The police are on their way.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
* * * *
Ragnvald drifted in and out of consciousness. The medical technicians carefully placed him on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance.
“Julia,” he called out.
Lights flashed around him. Cold air surrounded him. Panic filled him when he didn’t see Julia. Had he dreamed of her holding him just moments ago? He called out her name again.
“I’m here, my love,” she said, appearing at his side.
Relieved, he smiled. He took her hand. “Stay with me.”
She nodded. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He closed his eyes. Pain centered in his gut. His head hurt. He winced as the ambulance drove down the road.
“We’ll be at the hospital soon,” the medic reassured them.
Ragnvald held onto Julia’s hand, taking comfort in her touch. He inhaled the oxygen from the mask they’d put over his face. He couldn’t form a coherent thought. For the first time in his life, he feared death. Was this the way he’d leave this life? Not yet, he prayed. Not yet.
Chapter 15
Outside the window, the new day showed its first colors. Julia rubbed her arms against the chill in the room. She drew in a breath. For the first time since the ambulance had brought Ragnvald to the hospital last night, she finally relaxed somewhat. Yet until he walked out of the hospital, she would be afraid of losing him. Glancing at his pale face, Julia worried.
After his emergency surgery last night, the nurse reassured her about his condition. He had lost a lot of blood. The memory of seeing all the blood seeping from his stomach burned in her mind. She thanked the medical team for saving his life. Julia silently cursed Nigel for harming the man she loved. She did, however, take comfort knowing the authorities had finally caught him and he would pay for his awful deeds.
“Miss Williamson.”
Julia turned. An older male doctor entered the room.
“Will Ragnvald be all right?” she asked.
He gave her a reassuring grin. “Mr. Hallvardson is a strong man. The surgery was successful. We removed the bullet, and it didn’t touch any major organs. I’m confident he will make a full recovery.”
Her heart and stomach relaxed. “Thank you, doctor.”
He nodded, then made some notes in Ragnvald’s file. “A nurse will be in shortly to change his bandage.”
“Thank you.”
“You should rest,” the doctor gently ordered before he left the room.
Julia gave a short nod and sat on the chair beside Ragnvald’s bed. How could she rest? If she closed her eyes, she feared slumber would overtake her. She wanted—needed—to stay awake.
She took Ragnvald’s cool fingers within her palm and held his hand. As she watched him sleep, Julia prayed for his life. Deep down, she knew he would make it through this ordeal. Yet seeing the man she loved in such a terrible condition weighed heavy on her heart.
“I’m so sorry Nigel did this to you,” she whispered over a lump in her throat. Unshed te
ars stung her eyes.
Guilt gnawed at her. If she had never met Ragnvald, Julia wondered if Nigel would’ve ever kidnapped her. And attacked another man. What if the man she loved no longer wanted to be with her once he awoke? The thought tore at her heart. She didn’t want to think about the possibility. Yet she wouldn’t blame him if he decided he no longer wanted her in his life. He’d almost died because of her. Julia leaned her head against his hand and prayed he still wanted her.
She lifted her head. “I’m here, my love.”
Ragnvald’s lips lifted. He stared at her with half-closed eyes. “Did Nigel hurt you?”
She shook her head. “How are you feeling?”
He paused for a moment before saying, “My head hurts.”
“I’ll get the nurse.”
He gently grabbed her hand. “Stay. Please. My headache will pass.” He brought her hand to his lips. “Thank you for saving my life.”
She blushed. “I couldn’t let Nigel take you away from me. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You will never lose me. I’m yours forever.”
A wave of relief and gratitude washed over her. Julia kissed his fingers. Should I tell him he died during the surgery? She couldn’t believe it. His heart had suddenly stopped, the doctor had told her. Thank goodness he’d survived. Did this mean the curse had ended?
“Where’s Nigel?” he asked her with a groggy voice.
“The authorities arrested him last night.” She had gotten a brief glimpse of the police officers putting handcuffs on him.
Ragnvald moved, wincing in pain. “I hope he gets what he deserves.”
“I do too. An officer came here while you were in surgery. I don’t think Nigel will get away with his misdeeds.” At least she hoped not. Nigel knew a well-known solicitor in London, and he held some power in the city. With only her statement, Julia wondered if all the crimes Nigel committed would be enough to send him away to prison for a long time.
“Forgive me for not protecting you against that man.” Ragnvald’s voice was filled with regret.
Julia cupped his warm cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. “I would be dead if you hadn’t fought off Nigel.”
“I didn’t do enough.”
Julia braced his chin. “You saved my life. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”
Ragnvald kissed her palm. His eyes closed as fatigue returned.
Julia pressed her lips against his brow. “Rest now, my love. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
* * * *
As the day went on, Julia stayed at Ragnvald’s side. She watched over him, making sure he had someone nearby if needed. Every time she closed her eyes, Julia relived the awful scene she’d went through the night before. Each moment brought her anxiety and a renewed sense of fear. Until Nigel was convicted of his crimes and put behind bars for good, no one was safe.
A hand on her shoulder gave her a start. With gritty eyes, she blinked a few times before realizing her parents stood beside her. At once, Julia jumped into their arms and held them tight. Tears flowed down her cheeks.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, wiping her wet cheeks.
“When your Aunt Helga told us what happened, we had to come here for you,” Mum said.
Julia threw her arms around her mother and then her father. “Thank you for coming.”
“Wild horses couldn’t keep us away,” Dad said.
Julia fell into her parents’ warm embrace once more. She took comfort in their presence. Before she could stop them, more tears escaped her eyes. She trembled, no longer able to hold back the pain in her heart and soul.
“Ragnvald will make it through this, love. Don’t you worry,” Dad reassured her.
Julia nodded. She pulled away and looked at Ragnvald. “The doctor is confident he will fully recover.”
“That’s good news,” Mum said, rubbing her back.
Julia stared at her Viking. He slept peacefully as the heart monitor echoed his steady heartbeat. His face remained pale. She rubbed her arms. She wanted to help him more. But all she could do was wait for him to heal from his wounds.
“I can’t believe Nigel caused this much harm to you.” Dad took a step closer to the bed. He stared at Ragnvald with sadness in his eyes. “Poor lad.”
“This would never have happened to him if I had just agreed to Nigel’s demands.”
Dad gently turned her. “Nonsense! He cheated on you. He betrayed you. The man wasn’t good for you. Ragnvald is.”
“It’s my fault Ragnvald is in here, fighting for his life.”
“Look at me, love. This is not your fault.”
She wanted to believe her father’s words. Deep down, reason reminded her that she had done nothing wrong. Only a crazy woman would’ve stayed with Nigel after he had sex with another woman. She couldn’t stay with him a moment longer no matter how much she had once cared for him. She couldn’t give him another chance to hurt her again. Glancing back to the man she loved, Julia knew Ragnvald was the one she wanted to spend her life with in this lifetime and the next one.
* * * *
Pain centered in Ragnvald’s gut. He drifted in and out of consciousness until he awoke in a quiet room. Where the hell am I? Confusion filled his aching head. He didn’t recognize his surroundings. A bright light overhead and the heart monitor told him he was in a hospital.
He blinked his dry eyes a few times. His head pounded like Thor’s hammer. He did his best to remember how he’d arrived there. Then, like a lightning strike, he recalled Nigel appearing in his home. He remembered Nigel holding a pistol.
“What are you doing here?” Ragnvald asked.
“I’m here for Julia. She’s coming home with me,” Nigel declared, taking a step forward.
Ragnvald stood his ground. “Over my dead body.”
Ragnvald lunged forward, gripping the gun and Nigel’s wrist. Nigel pulled back but Ragnvald held on tight. They struggled until…
He remembered nothing else.
He gingerly touched his stomach. He squeezed his eyes shut. Never in his life had he felt so much pain. Not since... Could it be possible? Could the curse finally be lifted? In the past, every cut, every wound, healed within a short while. But this time, he felt the pain. He felt his skin burn. He winced and cursed under his breath.
How did Nigel manage to invade his house? Ragnvald hadn’t secured his home enough to protect Julia. Truth be told, he never thought Nigel would dare come back to Denmark and find them. Regret pulled at him. He had failed Julia. And he hoped she would let him make it up to her somehow.
“Julia,” he whispered, glancing around the room. Where was she? Had he imagined her presence earlier?
Closing his eyes, he prayed Julia returned soon. He had to know for sure he wasn’t dreaming. Then he heard the door open. He opened his eyes and held his breath. Around Julia, an ethereal glow shone. A true vision of beauty.
With a wide grin on her face, she rushed to his side. “You’re awake.” She took his hand and pressed her warm lips against his fingers. Then she brought his hand against her cheek. “I’m so happy you’re alive.”
Confused by her words, he asked, “How long was I unconscious?”
Sadness filled her eyes. No words came out of her lips. She laid his hand on her chest.
“Tell me. What’s wrong?” he said.
After a moment’s hesitation, she said, “The doctors had to revive you. I almost lost you.”
He didn’t understand. Besides the pain in his body, he recalled nothing of the shooting in his house. He would’ve known if someone had pounded on his chest and used paddles to revive him. Wouldn’t he?
“I don’t understand.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Your heart had stopped.” She glided her trembling hand against his face. “You died.” Tears filled her eyes. “The doctor had to revive you during surgery.”
His gut tightened. Now he knew for sure his curse had been lifted. It was the only explan
ation for the searing pain he felt in his body. And the seer did tell him he must die before the curse would be lifted and before he could be reunited with his one true love.
Ragnvald drew Julia into his arms. He kissed her brow and gently pulled away. He closed his eyes.
“Thank goodness the doctor saved you.” Her soft hand touched his shoulder. “Are you feeling all right?”
He nodded. “I’m just tired.”
“I’ll let you rest. If you need me, I’ll be right here.”
Ragnvald did need Julia. He needed her like he needed the air to breathe. She was his heart and soul. His mortality hit him like a rockslide. In all his lifetime, he had never fully believed his curse would one day be lifted. Part of him had given up on ending the curse. That fantasy had become reality. Now what?
* * * *
Julia kissed Ragnvald’s warm brow before leaving the room. With a heavy step, she made her way down the quiet hallway. Her gut told her something bothered the man she loved. It’s just my imagination. Yet a chill ran down her back. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something weighed on his mind.
Her parents, along with Colin and Fiona, were sitting in the waiting room.
“How’s Ragnvald?” Dad asked, standing from his chair.
“Much better,” Julia replied, trying a smile. But her parents saw through her.
Mum put her arm around her. “Come. Sit. Rest.”
Her body ached with fatigue, but Julia pressed on. She couldn’t rest until she knew Ragnvald felt better and would walk out of here.
“There’s nothing else you can do for now, dear,” Mum said. “Let’s get you to Aunt Helga’s for a rest.”
Julia looked at her mother. “I can’t, Mum.”
“Well, you won’t be any good to Ragnvald if you fall ill.”
Julia knew her mother was right. Her stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to admit it, but she still nodded in agreement. Besides, she had no more physical strength to argue.
“We’ll stay here,” Colin offered.
“Thank you.” She hugged her brother and then Fiona.
“Anything for you, love. We’ll let you know if he asks for you.”
Julia nodded and walked out of the hospital with her parents on each side of her. She thanked them in silence for their presence and support. She had no idea what she’d do without them. They always supported her and gave their sage advice when needed. She appreciated them and loved them.