Whispering Souls Page 17
“What are you going to do?” Svend, Ragnvald’s friend and fellow clansman asked him on the day he awoke from his injuries.
“I’m not certain. I can’t stay here. The earl will not permit it.”
“The earl will understand. This curse is a gift from the gods. They spared your life.”
Ragnvald wanted to believe his friend. But in the end, he couldn’t risk everyone fearing him.
“Talk to the earl.”
Ragnvald hesitated for a moment. Then he walked into the Great Hall, determined to convince the earl he was no threat to him or the village. Before entering the earl’s private rooms, he inhaled a deep, soothing breath.
“Ah! Ragnvald, my son. Please, come eat with me.”
The scents of meats and fish greeted his nose. He hadn’t thought about eating before this moment. Food lined the table. Ragnvald sat across from the earl and filled his plate. He bit into the sliced elk meat and savored the taste as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks.
“How are you faring?” the earl asked him while pouring some wine in Ragnvald’s bronze cup.
Ragnvald swallowed. “Well, my lord. Thank you.”
“Good. The gods have spared your life.” The earl sat back in his chair and regarded him with serious eyes. “The villagers are worried about you, my son.”
“They have no need to worry, my lord. I will not harm them,” he replied, hoping the earl believed him.
“I know. But as earl, I must reassure them.”
“I understand. What do you propose, my lord, if I may ask?”
The earl took a sip of his wine and said, “I will invite all our clansmen to the Great Hall for a gathering. There, I will declare to everyone that you are blessed by Odin himself.”
“But my lord, I am cursed.”
The earl stood and laid a ringed hand on Ragnvald’s shoulder. “The gods played a great role in your life. You are alive, my son, thanks to them.”
Did the earl know Ragnvald had seen the witch in order for him to be reunited with Arnora? Desperation had led him to do it. And now regret weighed upon him. He had no idea how long the curse would last or if he could ever rid himself of it. He must find the witch. He must get some answers.
On the evening of the gathering, he felt all eyes on him. His heart thundered. He squared his shoulders, readying himself for the worst outcome. Yet, deep down, he hoped his clansmen would accept the earl’s reasoning and explanations. The gods had brought him back to life. There was no other possible explanation for the seer’s potion not working. But he needed to find the witch and end this curse.
“Thank the gods, you are alive.” The earl’s wife hugged him.
Everyone at the gathering had accepted the earl’s words and welcomed Ragnvald. Gratitude replaced fear in everyone’s eyes. Ragnvald thanked the earl in silence as he drank his cup of ale. And he thanked everyone in the Great Hall for their friendship—especially his fellow raiders. With the upcoming summer raid, the last thing he wanted was for them to think he was cursed.
“I believe Odin has other plans for you,” his friend, Dreng, said, pouring him another cup.
Ragnvald wondered what Odin had in store for him. He had betrayed the gods for his own selfish reasons. And for what? Arnora was lost to him until they met again in Valhalla. He felt like such a fool.
As he sat at one of the tables, he watched the villagers drinking and eating. They had not a care in the world. As long as the gods protected them, the people went on with their lives.
“You will reunite with your beloved one day,” Dreng told him.
Ragnvald hoped so. But until then, he’d live with a curse, one he knew nothing about, nor did he know how to banish it.
* * * *
Julia’s heart thumped in her chest. She was on her way back to Denmark. From the airplane window, she saw the evening sky settling in. She rubbed her chilled hands together and willed them to stop shaking. Was she really doing this? Excitement slowly made its way into her body. In a few hours, she would see Ragnvald again. He had no idea she was on her way to him. What if he wasn’t home or didn’t want to see her at all? The idea crossed her mind as the plane revved up its jets.
She secured her seatbelt and closed her eyes. The plane taxied down the runway, then stopped. Within moments, the aircraft sped up and took off. Her heart leaped. There was no turning back now. She had no idea what she’d say to Ragnvald once she saw him. Would he at least talk with her? The thought of rejection bothered Julia despite her brother and parents’ encouraging words.
You have nothing to lose.
If this didn’t work out, she’d go on with her life. But how? How could she move on with her life after knowing such a powerful love with Ragnvald? Staring out the window into the dark skies, Julia prayed for courage. Never in her life had she fought for someone with all her might. She had never loved someone so dearly.
“Would you care for a drink?”
Julia looked up at the lovely flight attendant and nodded. “A whiskey, please.”
Within moments, the flight attendant handed Julia a glass filled with the amber liquid. She took a sip and laid her head back. Behind her closed eyes, Julia saw her Viking. She imagined the moment they saw each other again. No words were said. Only love existed between them. She could almost feel his arms around her. She could almost feel his hands caressing her body. And she missed his lips, the ones she tasted only a week ago. Memories of his mouth against hers caused pleasure to ripple through Julia. If she no longer had any more time with him, she would forever cherish the memories of their time together.
Had he moved on with his life? Had he already replaced her in his heart? The thought of losing him frightened her. Regrets of letting him go stung. She opened her eyes and took another sip of her whiskey. The smooth liquid calmed her nerves—somewhat. Yet she knew no amount of alcohol would remove the heaviness in her heart.
* * * *
Silence surrounded Ragnvald. Only the crackling fire in the hearth kept him company. And a glass of whiskey. He pulled out his phone and looked at pictures of him and Julia. His heart cried out her name. He threw back his glass of whiskey and poured another. No amount of alcohol helped him forget the emptiness in his heart or the void in his soul.
He raked a hand through his hair. He could barely breathe. Julia was the air in his lungs and the life in his soul. Had she moved on with her life? Her brother mentioned that she had buried herself in her work lately and he hadn’t seen her or talked to her since she’d returned from Scotland.
Somehow, Ragnvald felt her sadness. Was it a reflection of his own sadness? He didn’t know for sure. One thing he knew with certainty—he felt no joy with his work. Nights did bring him a small degree of comfort. In his dreams he could at least be with his beloved Julia. He could feel her and touch her.
He exhaled a breath and stood. He had to let her go. It was the only way to save the remaining sanity in his life. Ragnvald walked outside and inhaled the crisp air. His chest felt heavy.
“Why are you cursing me?” he shouted against the breeze, hoping the gods heard him. “Why have you taken away the woman I love?”
No longer feeling the strength in his legs, he fell to his knees. He covered his eyes with his hands and cursed. Tears flowed out of his eyes. Pain seeped out of his soul.
“How can I let her go?” he whispered. “Julia.”
“I’m here, my love.”
He froze. Did he imagine her voice? He waited for her to speak again.
“Ragnvald, my love.” Her soft hand rested upon his shoulder.
Was she real? He feared his mind played a mean trick on him. He slowly turned and looked up.
Chapter 14
Snowflakes twirled around them. The breeze whipped Julia’s cheeks. Ragnvald was within her reach, yet she feared moving. What if he vanished? She waited for his next move with excitement and anticipation.
“Julia,” he whispered, standing. “Am I dreaming? Are you r
eally here?”
“Yes, my love.”
He took a step forward, and then another, until he stood a mere breath away. He reached out, his fingertips touching her cheek. She closed her eyes. His touch melted the chill in her bones and the loneliness built up in her heart. Would she wake up alone in her bed again? His lips rested on her cheek, inches away from her lips. Heaven help me! If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake.
“It’s really you, sweetheart,” he spoke against her ear.
His hot breath teased her skin. Her body tingled. Her knees weakened. To keep from falling, Julia braced her shaky hands on his waist. He leaned in and pulled her close to him. He then inched his lips to the corner of her mouth.
“I missed you,” she managed to say when she opened her eyes.
He looked at her. “I missed you too.” He captured her lips, taking his time, savoring her.
She melted a bit more. His mouth moved across hers in a slow, delicious dance. His tongue glided along her lips. Her head spun. She accepted his invitation as their tongues twirled and tempted. She missed him, his taste, his lips, all of him.
“Let’s go inside.” Ragnvald wrapped his arm around her.
Under the falling snow, Julia walked with the man she loved. A smile formed on her lips. She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She glanced at his handsome face, It felt like a lifetime since she’d seen him. Yet in this moment, it felt like they’d never left each other. It felt like...home.
Warmth wrapped itself around her as they stepped inside his house. The scent of musk reached her nose. She loved this place. Ragnvald had told her he’d built every inch of this house with his bare hands. He had cut the wood from the forest in his backyard, and every detail was thought out with such care. Julia saw that every time she spent time here.
When he closed the door behind her, Julia stilled. Her body tingled and shivered with excitement. This moment was real. Ragnvald was real. With shaky hands, Julia removed her coat, hat, and gloves.
“Let me help you with that scarf.” He gently pulled on the scarf until their bodies connected.
He brushed away a strand of hair from her face. The gentle touch made her love him more. How was that possible? But she did love him more with each passing moment. He bent his head and pressed his lips against her cheek. He lingered until she thought she’d fall into madness. She closed her eyes, savoring his touch and closeness. Fearing she was dreaming, Julia held onto Ragnvald tight. As always, she felt safe and protected.
“I want you,” she murmured against his ear.
He scooped her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. There, they entered his bedroom. Darkness surrounded them. Somehow, he found his bed, and he laid her down on it.
“I’ll make a fire.”
Julia rubbed her arms against the chill. In the dark, she searched for a blanket and found a thick one beside her. A flicker caught her attention. Ragnvald lit the lamp on the night table. He smiled at her and kissed her brow.
As he piled some logs in the stone hearth, Julia admired his backside through his jeans and the way his hands worked to build a fire. She chewed on her bottom lip, enjoying the sight of the man she loved. Within minutes, a roaring fired burned in the hearth. He then joined Julia on the bed. He took her hand in his, and his gaze studied her.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” he said, kissing her palm.
A shiver ran up her arm. She loved the feel of his lips on her skin. She wanted his lips all over her body.
“Forgive me for my stubborn head.”
He smiled. “I have already forgiven you, sweetheart.”
Julia touched his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you.”
He pulled her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest.
“I will protect you against Nigel.”
She looked into his eyes. “I know.” There was no doubt in her mind. He would always be there for her.
He laid down, bringing Julia to his side. He wrapped his arms around her. Julia closed her eyes. Only the crackling in the hearth contrasted with the beating of her heart.
“I’m happy you’re here,” he said, kissing her brow.
“There’s no other place I want to be,” she replied.
He pulled the blankets over them. Julia thanked her brother in silence for talking some sense into her.
“Life is too short to waste time,” Colin had told her before she left London. “You need Ragnvald as much as he needs you.”
It was true. Julia couldn’t imagine her life without Ragnvald.
“Are you hungry?” He rose up on his elbow.
“Famished.” Julia couldn’t remember the last time she ate.
“Come.” He stood up and offered his hand. “I’ll make you some food.”
Julia took his hand and followed him downstairs. She sat at the counter and watched him busy himself with preparing a meal for her. On the wall clock, she noticed the late hour. Her stomach rumbled. He turned to her and smiled. Her cheeks heated.
“Care for some whiskey?” he asked, holding out the bottle and a glass.
She nodded. “Yes, please.”
He poured some of the amber liquid in two glasses and handed her one of them. “To us!”
“Cheers!” She raised her glass and tapped it against his.
When he returned to the food, Julia regarded him in awe. Was there anything this man couldn’t do? She was about to discover his culinary skills.
“It smells delicious. What are you making?”
He turned toward her. “Steamed clams with white wine.”
“I love steamed clams.”
He lifted his glass. “It’s my specialty.”
“I can’t wait to taste it.”
He bent down and kissed her before returning his attention to the stove.
She wanted him. Heaven help me! He was pure temptation. She studied every move he made. God had certainly blessed him. And she felt blessed, too, to have such a man in her life. She stood. Without a word, Julia gently turned Ragnvald and pressed her lips against his. A low grunt escaped his throat. His hands rested on her lower back and pressed her against his hardness. She tilted her head to give him full access to her lips. He tasted liked whiskey. Delicious. Intoxicating.
* * * *
Ragnvald lifted Julia and set her on the countertop. He pulled down her tights and panties. She gasped when his fingers made contact with her inner thighs. He searched her eyes for any sign of hesitation but only saw desire. Without another moment lost, he unzipped his jeans and found his way inside her. Julia’s gasp rippled through him. Encouraged, he ventured further within her depths. The heat of her body called him, and he answered her. To and fro, he moved inside her, feeling her pulse around him. She tilted her body back, deepening his access to her.
Her body tightened. With one more push, he felt her release. He groaned with pleasure. By all the gods, he loved Julia. He leaned down and kissed her neck. When she opened her eyes, he saw satisfaction and love. His heart sang.
“I love you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“And I love you.” He showered her face with kisses.
Yet peace of mind wouldn’t be theirs until the authorities caught Nigel and put him behind bars for good.
“What’s wrong?” Julia lifted his chin.
He gave her a reassuring smile. “Nothing, sweetheart.”
He fixed his jeans and kissed Julia’s cheek. He didn’t want to ruin this moment with his woes and fears.
“I fear Nigel too,” she said as if reading his mind. She touched his back.
He faced her and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight, taking comfort in her presence and embrace. The thought of losing her weighed on his heart. If Nigel found her again, no one knew what he’d do to her this time. He shivered at the thought. Ragnvald kissed her brow before busying himself with the food.
“Let’s eat.”
As he set the pla
tes and utensils on the countertop, he couldn’t shake Nigel from his thoughts. His stomach knotted.
“Dinner is served, milady.”
“It smells delicious,” she said with a sincere tone. “Thank you.”
He loved her smile, and he loved making her happy. He kissed her before sitting beside her. As he filled the glasses with more whiskey, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Nigel would reappear and harm Julia. The authorities hadn’t given him any updates in days. No one knew where the horrible man hid. Ragnvald didn’t like all this uncertainty. He hated feeling helpless. All he could do was protect Julia with his life. He hoped it was enough.
She deserved happiness, not the uncertainty Nigel had brought her. He cursed the authorities for not catching the man who threatened his beloved. No matter, though, because he was ready to defend Julia. His weapons stood ready. He remembered his combat skills, and he wasn’t afraid to use them.
The last time he’d found himself against an enemy, Ragnvald had ended some lives and wounded many more. Thanks to the earl, he had been able to fight alongside his clansmen until they had grown suspicious of him. Because of the curse, he didn’t age or die when severely injured. When he had to leave his village and his people behind, his heart had weighed heavily. But he’d had no choice, no one would understand. The earl had kept his secret and had offered him a coffer filled with silver and gold to start a new life in England. For centuries, Ragnvald had moved from one country to another, traveling to different places and living a new life each time. Until he broke his curse, this was the life he must continue.
“Thank you for supper.” Julia leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“My pleasure.”
Julia offered to clean up, so he picked up their glasses and took them to the living room. He filled their glasses with more whiskey. When Julia joined him, he noticed the dark circles under her eyes.