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Whispering Souls Page 14
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Page 14
“Ragnvald,” her sweet, sleepy voice called to him.
He joined her under the blankets. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her brow.
“I’m so happy you found me. I missed you,” she murmured.
He held her a bit tighter. The thought of losing her hurt him. He couldn’t bear thinking of never seeing her again. “I missed you too, sweetheart. You’re safe now.”
She nodded against his chest while her hot tears flowed down his skin.
Worried, he asked, “What’s wrong, love?”
Julia wiped her cheek. “Nothing.” She sat up and cradled her legs against her chest.
He gently laid a hand on her trembling shoulder. “Tell me,” he softly pleaded.
After a moment’s hesitation, Julia said, “Every moment that I was kidnapped, I wondered if I would ever see you again.” She turned and touched his face. “I had almost lost hope.”
He took her fingers, kissing each one. “You never have to wonder again.”
Her rosy lips lifted in a smile. “Am I dreaming right now?”
“No, sweetheart,” he replied, taking her mouth.
Julia moved her body closer to his as their lips tasted and teased each other. Ragnvald’s heart thumped with excitement and desire for her. He loved her. By Thor’s hammer, he loved her with all his heart and soul. Her soft hands covered the back of his neck. She pulled him closer. A groan escaped his throat. Shivers glided up his back with Julia’s every touch. He wanted her—needed her. His groin pulsed, ached. Only Julia could satisfy him.
The tip of his tongue invited hers for a twirling dance, and she accepted. His head spun. Gently, he laid her down against the pillows. She looked into his eyes. There he saw and felt her love for him. She desired him too. He pressed his lips against hers as his hand slid down her hot thigh. He lifted her leg and settled his body between her thighs. The heat of her skin almost drove him mad. Taking his time, he savored Julia’s lips, and her neck, and her rosy, erect nipples. When she writhed under him, he knew she was ready for him.
* * * *
Julia wanted Ragnvald inside her. She wanted to feel him, hold him until her body exploded. She lifted her hips until she felt his manhood against her lower belly. The heat of his skin penetrated her as their bodies joined once more. Heaven help me! She loved this man unlike any other. How was that possible?
Her hips lifted as their bodies waltzed with the sound of their ragged breaths. Julia looked at Ragnvald. He looked at her, and for a brief moment, she could see into his soul. Tears filled her eyes. She took his face between her hands and kissed the man she loved, hoping he knew how much she loved him.
As their bodies joined, rocking to and fro in a delicious dance, Julia closed her eyes and savored the moment. She pressed her hips against his groin, feeling him inside her a bit more. Her depths pulsed and tingled. Her breath quickened. She could no longer hold back her release. Her body tightened around his manhood as a moan escaped her throat. Before Ragnvald released his seed, Julia sat up and turned him on his back. She gave him a wry smile.
“Vixen,” he said.
Julia tasted him, twirling her tongue along his hot manhood. She knew how to drive him mad with desire. She kept her lips on him until his release. He let out a low grunt. She didn’t know if he’d ever had this pleasure with another woman, but it was the first time for her. And she enjoyed the intimate gesture. Did he feel the same? His wide, boyish grin told her he did. With the back of his hand, he covered his eyes.
“Where did you learn to do that with your tongue?”
She reclined back. “Just some hidden talent, I guess.”
He sat up and brought her hand against his lips. “I hope we do that again soon.”
She nodded. “I’m glad you liked it.”
He gathered her in his warm, loving embrace. In the light of the hearth, no words needed to be said. Their hearts spoke volumes. In Ragnvald’s arms, Julia’s fears and woes disappeared. The past no longer mattered. Nothing mattered. He had given her strength and courage to face whatever life threw her way. As Julia nuzzled into his chest, she wondered about this man who had somehow found his way into her life and her heart. She never counted on loving him. And yet, here she found herself in love with this wonderful man.
“Tell me about your home, about where you grew up,” she requested.
He paused before saying, “It’s a wonderful place. I grew up in a small village near the eastern coast of Denmark.”
“Sounds grand.”
“It is. Mountains surrounded us. A long fjord lined our village. My father and I would fish and hunt every day.”
“What about your mother?”
“She was an amazing woman. Loving and caring. She would have loved you.” He pressed his lips to her brow. “Maybe one day, if you wish, I will take you to my hometown.”
“I’d like that very much.”
He smiled. “What about you? Where did you grow up?”
“Mostly in London. We did come here during Christmas holidays. During the summer, we would visit Denmark quite a bit.” Happy memories with her family resurfaced. She missed her family.
“You will see your family soon,” he told her.
She nodded while a tear streamed down her cheek.
* * * *
Ragnvald sensed some loneliness in Julia’s silence. He held her a bit tighter. Until the authorities captured Nigel, Julia couldn’t return home—not if she didn’t want to put her family’s life in danger too. If only he knew where that awful man was hiding. For now, Julia needed to stay here, hidden away. And he would protect her and keep her safe, no matter the cost to his own life.
“I promise you, my love. I will make sure Nigel pays for hurting you. I will make him pay.”
She lifted herself up. “I’d give good money to see that. But we don’t have proof, and it’ll be my word against his. He has a lot of power in London.”
He turned on his side and faced her. “We will find a way—together.”
Julia glided a thumb along his lips and kissed him. “Thank you for being in my life.”
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
Chapter 11
Snowflakes twirled around Julia and Ragnvald. The crisp air invigorated her cheeks. For the first time in weeks, she felt alive and carefree. Her Viking’s presence had helped her forget about Nigel. But until the authorities caught him, Julia knew she would never be safe anywhere. She shook away the uneasiness building within her body.
“What’s wrong?” Ragnvald’s soft baritone said against her ear. His comforting touch on her shoulders steadied her body and her mind.
“Nothing,” she replied, turning into his strong arms. There she stayed, wrapped in his protective embrace.
She wanted to stay in his arms forever. Could that be possible? Julia closed her eyes and wished he wanted to keep her in his life too. But he had come all this way to Scotland to find her. And he’d told her this morning that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Come. Let’s walk a bit.” He offered his hand.
Julia joined her gloved fingers with his as they walked away from the house. Bare trees surrounded them.
“Care to ice skate?” she asked, hoping he’d enjoyed the idea.
He nodded. “I’d love to.”
Happily, Julia guided him inside the carriage house. For a moment, Julia remembered the times, as children, she and her brother had slept in the carriage house instead of the main house. They’d loved spending time together, playing chess and telling stories. As she stood in the doorway, memories of a happier time resurfaced and made her smile.
“This carriage house reminds me of the house I grew up in.” Ragnvald’s voice broke through her reverie.
She turned and faced him. “It must have been a grand place.”
“It was. I can almost recall the smell of the fresh-baked bread my mother made for us.”
Julia saw the sparkle in his eyes as he called the memory to mind. “Tell me ab
out your mother.” She touched his hand.
He smiled and sat on the bench beside the door. “She was beautiful and very caring.” Sadness replaced his joy.
“What happened to her?” Julia asked, kneeling at his side. She took his hand.
After a long pause, he said, “She died during childbirth, along with my sister.” His words were filled with grief. “My father was...away. He never forgave himself for her passing. That’s when...” He looked at Julia. “That’s when he gave me away.”
Julia felt the heaviness in his heart. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry for your pain.”
He placed his hands on her lower back and pressed her against his body. No words needed to be spoken. He leaned his head on her shoulder. She cupped the back of his neck and stroked his silky hair. Heaven help me! She loved him unlike any other man she’d met before. The thought filled her heart and frightened her. How was this possible?
When Ragnvald lifted his head, he stared into Julia’s eyes. Her body stilled, and her breath grew ragged. Anticipation tingled in her body. She waited for his next move.
“I’m so grateful for finding you,” he whispered, running his thumb along her cheek.
“And I’m grateful you did.”
His thumb brushed her lips, teasing. Then he captured her mouth, inviting her in a slow, delicious dance. Sparks shot through her. She kissed him back with fervor, feeling her head spin and her body weaken. With her arms around his neck, she slanted her head, feeling more of his mouth. He opened to her, letting her taste him as he tasted her. With one kiss, she wanted to let him know how much she wanted him and loved him.
He stood, keeping their lips connected. Their tongues moved and twirled. His hands caressed her neck as he let out a groan. He unzipped his jacket and then tried to undo hers. She giggled when he fumbled with the zipper. He chuckled and looked at her. Once their coats were removed, his hands returned to her waist. She let out a gasp when his warm hands went under her top and found her skin.
“I want you,” she murmured against his ear.
His grunt sent shivers through her body. Her depths ignited. She needed him inside her. As their lips touched once more, Julia glided her hands under his thick sweater. His hot skin made her quiver with delight and desire. She craved his body and his touch.
A gasp left her throat when he lifted her off the floor and grasped her buttocks. In his eyes, she saw his passion for her. He gently laid her on the bed. He then stretched out beside her and ran his forefinger along her cheek. His delicious lips lifted in a boyish grin. His gaze stoked the fire burning within her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
She blushed. Every time he looked at her, she felt beautiful and desired and loved.
Their eyes locked while she stood and removed her sweaterdress. She trembled and waited for his next move. His fingers reached for her and connected to her bare skin. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes as he slid his hand up her side. He stopped when his hand cupped her breast. With deliberate slowness, his lips touched her skin, kissing her breasts. His hot breath teased her. He grunted. She realized he wanted to claim her nipple. Before she could remove her bra, he unhooked it from behind.
“Much better,” he said with a wry grin.
She giggled.
His mouth captured hers for a brief kiss. Then he claimed her erect nipple. His tongue tasted and teased until it drove her mad. She gently pulled his head closer to her breast. She reveled in his touch. She wanted his mouth on every inch of her skin. Before she could finish her wish, Julia found herself showered with his kisses.
Ragnvald gently pushed her onto the bed and removed her panties. She opened her eyes and watched him swiftly remove his jeans. The man she loved stood in front of her in all his glory. Julia chewed on her bottom lip, admiring his fit body. She loved the patch of fine hairs on his chest. She loved the V-shape of muscle on his lower belly that led to his groin. He wanted her too, she had no doubt.
Her fingers could no longer resist touching him. His hot skin pulsed in her hand. She looked up, searching his eyes for any sign of discomfort or hesitation. He touched her cheek and gave her his most delicious, boyish grin.
“My vixen.” His hand brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Then he leaned down and captured her mouth.
“Come.” She offered her hand.
He joined his fingers with Julia’s and lay beside her face-to-face. In the beating of their hearts, nothing else mattered but this moment together. She trembled. Before she could move, he covered them with the furs on the bed. She loved his concern for her. She loved him.
* * * *
Ragnvald pulled the fur over Julia’s bare shoulder and kept his hand on her. Was he imagining this moment? Was Julia real? Would she vanish in the blink of an eye? When she placed her small hand against his heart, he knew she was really and truly with him. No more dreaming. No more wondering.
Before doubt returned, he pressed his lips against Julia’s. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her waist. Her soft, feminine form pressed against him. She fit in his embrace as if the gods had created her for him. Their souls belonged together. He no longer doubted that. Could she feel it too? He thanked his lucky stars for reuniting them once more.
“I want you inside me,” she whispered against his neck.
How could he deny her such a tempting request? He wanted her too.
He propped above Julia, careful not to crush her. With his free hand, he glided his fingers up her thigh until he reached his prize. She was ready for him. Their mouths connected. His tongue invited hers in a dance. She accepted. Without another moment lost, Ragnvald found his way within her hot depths. She bit on her lower lip as he moved to and fro, taking his time, savoring the heat of her body. Had he died and gone to Valhalla? It felt like it, for Julia was his heaven.
“I love you,” she said, cupping his face. “I love you unlike any other man in my life.”
He believed her. His heart swelled with love for her. “And I love you, sweetheart. You’re the one I’ve been waiting for all my life.”
Julia pulled him closer until his lips touched hers and poured all her love for him into her kiss. He joined his body to hers once more, feeling her wet and hot for him. His mouth moved over her sweet breasts, suckling and savoring each rosy tip. His head swam with the excitement and joy she brought him.
He plunged deeper within her while she lifted her hips. She drove him mad with desire. They moved together until they reached the stars. She held onto him, welcoming his release as he greeted hers. She opened her eyes and smiled. Turning onto his back, he pulled Julia into his arms. She sighed deeply.
“Happy?” he asked.
She nodded against his chest. He kissed her brow, praying this moment would never end. But he knew better. For now, he kept Julia safe within his embrace. And he would keep his secret hidden until the right moment. Would there ever be a right time to tell her?
You need to tell her, reason shouted at him. He ran a hand across his face, holding back his building frustration.
Taking a deep, soothing breath, Ragnvald took comfort in Julia’s arms. He turned on his side and nuzzled her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him. He closed his eyes and rested. Outside, the blowing wind hit the house. The room had gotten cold. He trembled.
With reluctance, he said, “I’ll go light a fire.”
Julia held on to him. “Hurry back.”
He kissed her cheek and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. The cold hardwood floor made him hurry across the room. He piled some logs in the hearth and found some matches on the stone mantel. Within moments, the room warmed.
He glanced over his shoulder when he heard a soft snore. He smiled. Julia finally slept with a happy grin on her sweet face. By Odin, he loved her. He couldn’t explain it. He could only accept it. In a short time, Julia had changed his life. His search for his one true love was over. Yet their future remained u
ncertain until she knew the truth about his immortality.
Tightening the plush blanket around his shoulders, he sat in the chair facing the hearth. He stared into the glowing flames, hoping somehow courage would come to him. But it never did. He rubbed his face between his palms. What the hell should I do? he wondered, feeling the weight of the truth on him. Deep down, he knew Julia deserved the truth. How else could they move on with their relationship?
He blew out a breath and glanced toward the bed. A golden light surrounded his beautiful Julia. He made a mental picture of her. No one knew how long their time together would last. The risk of losing her remained great.
You must tell her the truth, the voice of reason shouted at him again.
Not yet, his heart replied.
As Ragnvald looked at his beloved she stirred and opened her eyes. “Come to bed.” Julia extended her hand.
Her sweet face called him. How could he refuse such an inviting offer?
Discarding the blanket, he climbed into bed and brought Julia into his arms. She nuzzled his neck. The intimate touch sent waves of heat through his body. Blood rushed down to his groin. Ragnvald closed his eyes and focused on the moment. But the more she touched him, the more he wanted her. Julia turned his face toward hers and looked at him with hunger in her eyes. When their lips connected, nothing else in the world mattered. She made his life sweeter.
“I love you,” Julia said, cupping his chin.
In her eyes, he saw her love for him. Would she still love him once he explained about his cursed life? Words stuck in his throat. Instead, he kissed her, moving his lips across hers in a slow, deliberate manner. If this would be his last moment with her, Ragnvald wanted to make the most of it. He wanted to show Julia how much he loved her. And he hoped it would be enough to save their love and relationship. As he found his way into her depths, tears filled his eyes.
Julia cupped his face. “What’s wrong?”
He gave her a reassuring grin. “Nothing, sweetheart.”