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Whispering Souls Page 13
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Page 13
“Thank you.” Julia threw her arms around the woman’s neck. Tears filled her eyes. She trembled.
“Oh, dear. Whatever it is that bothers ye, it will be all right.”
Julia stepped back. “How can you tell?”
Mrs. Ferguson wiped Julia’s wet cheek with her handkerchief. “I know ye, lass. Ye have my ear if ye need to talk.”
Julia wanted to tell her everything. But she didn’t know where to start. Instead, she sat down and let the tears flow from her eyes while praying for Ragnvald to come find her.
* * * *
After what seemed an interminable flight, Ragnvald finally landed in Edinburgh. At the exit, he found a driver holding a sign with his name printed on it. The older man grinned at him. He followed the driver to his waiting car. While they drove through the city, Ragnvald’s cellphone beeped. He read a message from Colin.
I informed Scotland Yard about your trip to Lochlannach. They’ve been in touch with the local police. Everything is good.
Ragnvald was relieved, because he didn’t want anyone to stop him from seeing Julia. And he was grateful the authorities would protect her until he arrived. With Nigel still on the loose, there was no taking any chances. His heart broke with the thought of her alone and afraid. He wished to soothe her woes. And he blamed himself for her current situation.
“I should’ve run after her the last time I saw her,” he’d told Colin earlier.
“My sister is a stubborn woman. And she’s been hurt a lot.”
Colin told him what Nigel had done to Julia. His betrayal had shredded her trust in love and in men.
What have I done? Ragnvald regretted his harsh actions all because of another man’s lies.
As they passed through the city, he prayed in silence for Julia’s forgiveness. Would she want to see him again? He hoped so. Colin reassured him that his sister shared his feelings. But until he set eyes on her, he feared he had lost her forever.
He glanced at the time on his cellphone and wondered how much longer before they reached the family’s Scottish estate. In the early evening sky, he noticed they approached the outskirts of the city. Bright lights turned into darkness. They had reached a village. No more sign of buses or crowds. Only fields and farm houses. He smiled.
“Lochlannach up ahead, sir,” the driver announced.
Darkness veiled the estate. He could only distinguish an illuminated window in the top right corner of the house and another on the bottom. As they passed the gated stone archway, flashes of blue and red appeared behind them. Ragnvald knew it was the police.
“Stop here, please,” Ragnvald requested to the driver.
He did so.
Ragnvald rolled down his window as a man in a dark suit approached them.
“Good evening, sir.” The police officer pointed the flashlight at Ragnvald’s face.
“Good evening. My name is Ragnvald Hallvardson.” He presented his British driver’s license. “I believe Colin Williamson spoke to you about my visit here.”
“Aye. Go ahead.”
“Thank you.” Ragnvald breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in his seat.
The driver drove down the dirt path until they reached the front door of the estate. The car stopped. Up close, he admired the sixteenth-century house. It reminded him of the one he had lived in a long time ago in the Highlands. Memories of another life flowed back. He shook his head.
After thanking the driver, he stepped out. His heart thundered. He felt his nerves would give way soon. What if Julia didn’t want to see him? The thought bothered him and frightened him. But it was too late for him to turn back. Besides, he promised her parents and Colin he would protect her and bring her home safely to them. And he wasn’t the sort of man to break his word.
With a shaky hand, he lifted the brass door knocker and waited for someone to answer. On the other side of the tall door, he heard light footsteps. A breath stuck in his throat. The door opened on silent hinges.
Chapter 10
Julia’s surroundings faded. Her eyes played tricks on her, and she didn’t care for it one bit. With a trembling hand, she reached out and stepped forward. Her heart thumped in her ears.
“Are you really here? Am I dreaming?” she whispered, holding back the tears stinging her eyes. She held a breath until her fingertips connected to his chest.
“Yes, elskan min. My sweetheart. My love. I am here.”
Unable to keep them back, tears flowed down her cheeks. “Say it again.” She wanted to make sure she understood the words passing his delicious lips. Her father said the same words of love to her mother. Did she hear the same ones from Ragnvald’s?
A corner of his lips lifted. He reached for her hand, lifted it to his mouth, and kissed it. “My love.”
“You love me?”
He pulled Julia into his arms and held her tight. “I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you on the plane,” he whispered against her ear.
His hot breath caused shivers to race down her back. She closed her eyes, savoring his touch. Was this all a dream? Would she awake in a cold bed alone and wishing for Ragnvald? Julia opened her eyes and glided a hand across his unshaven cheek. The warmth of his skin penetrated her fingertips. With each breath, Julia realized she wasn’t dreaming. But she needed one more thing to prove he was real.
“Kiss me.”
His boyish grin melted her. He cupped her face, keeping his body close to hers. Their lips connected, causing a spark throughout her body. His mouth moved across hers in a slow, delicious dance. Her head spun with hunger for him. She leaned in closer to him, feeling his warmth, his strength, and the part of him she wanted inside her.
“Oh my. Pardon me,” Mrs. Ferguson’s voice spoke from behind them.
Reality had caught up with them. With reluctance, Julia pulled away. Her cheeks heated. “Mrs. Ferguson, this is Ragnvald.”
“Oh, aye.” She winked. “I know who ye are.”
“Ragnvald, this is our dear family friend and the caretaker of our estate.”
“Pleasure meeting you,” Ragnvald said.
Julia took his hand. “Come. Let’s find a quiet place.”
He followed her down the hallway to the study.
Mrs. Ferguson stuck her head in the doorway. “I’ll bring ye some tea,” she offered with a wide grin.
“Thank you.”
Ragnvald removed his jacket and laid it across the back of a chair, then he pulled her into his arms. Julia closed her eyes and savored the heat of his body and his scent. She missed him so much. But she couldn’t tell him. Not yet.
“How did you find me?”
“Scotland Yard informed your parents that I would find you here. Your father asked me to keep you safe until they caught Nigel.”
“You spoke with my parents?”
He nodded.
She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m happy you found me.”
“I would never have stopped searching for you, sweetheart.”
Julia looked at him and knew he told the truth. “How are my parents?”
“They are well.”
Relieved, Julia nodded. “Good.” She walked to the loveseat facing the stone hearth.
“What’s wrong?” He lay a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“No one is safe until the authorities catch Nigel and lock him behind bars.”
He pulled her into his embrace. “Scotland Yard and the local police are working hard to find Nigel. Until then, you are safe here. I’ll make sure of it.” He kissed her brow.
Julia rested her head against his chest and took comfort in his presence. For the first time since she’d left him, she felt safe and protected. Yet her fears remained until Nigel was out of her life for good and punished for his crimes.
“Forgive me for pushing you away that morning when you came to me. I should’ve never believed Nigel’s words,” Ragnvald murmured.
Julia looked at the man she loved, cupping his cheeks. “Nigel has fooled us all.�
“I know, but my foolish actions have weighed on me since that day. I blame myself for all the harm that he has caused you.”
Julia’s heart squeezed. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Everything is in the past now. You’re here with me.” She cupped his face. “I forgive you.”
He kissed the inside of her palms. “You’re truly a remarkable woman, Julia Williamson.”
She blushed at the compliment. “I should ask your forgiveness as well,” she said with a heavy heart. “I brought all this madness to you.”
He hugged her. “You have done nothing wrong. Nigel is an angry man and a vengeful one. Only the authorities can stop him now.”
“I hope they catch him soon.”
“They will.” He held her a bit tighter.
A weight lifted off her chest. Heaven help me! She held him tight and prayed they would spend the rest of their lives together.
“I thought I would never see you again,” she murmured.
“I thought the same.” He looked at her. “We are together now.”
She trembled. “I’m glad you found me.”
He lifted her chin. His eyes filled with love. “I will always find you, in this lifetime or the next.”
Tears filled Julia’s eyes. Her heart fluttered with love for Ragnvald. How could it be possible to love this much? In such a short time, he had managed to fill a void in her life and in her soul she never realized existed.
“I love you, Julia Williamson. My elskede. My love.”
“I love you, Ragnvald.” There, she said the words. They flowed from her lips without regret.
He captured her mouth with his, tasting her, teasing her until her lips parted. Heat raced through her and centered itself in that deep place inside. He cupped her face and guided her chin to one side. Julia held on to him, no longer able to support herself. Then he gently turned her, sliding his arms around her, touching her stomach and then her breasts. His caresses excited her, making her special place throb in delight. She stilled, breathless while his lips trailed a path along her neck.
She lost herself in emotions and sensations as he pressed his hard body to hers. Through his jeans, she felt his hard length against her bottom. He walked around her, keeping his burning gaze on her. She trembled with excitement. Then he stopped and kissed her gently, so softly that it made her feel like a precious stone. Tears filled her eyes. He lifted her into his arms and lay her on the rug in front of the hearth. He looked at her with such intensity and desire. She glided her fingers along his wet lips.
“We should lock the door,” Julia whispered.
He gave her a boyish grin and did so at once.
When he returned, Julia sat up and removed her sweater and then slipped off her jeans. In the glow of the hearth, their eyes met.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.
He lifted his hand and she laced their fingers together. She lay back on the floor while he discarded his own clothes. Then he took her mouth again. The heat of his skin made her gasp with pleasure. But the feel of him sliding his hands along her legs made her ache for him. Slowly, he inched his hand up along her thighs until he found her wet. She writhed and sighed with pleasure.
“Ragnvald,” she whispered.
“Yes, my love?”
She cupped his face. “Take me.”
Gently, he spread her legs. With one thrust, he filled her. As the winds howled outside, he stared at her as though seeing her for the first time. He kissed her, lifting her into his arms while staying deep within her. They rocked to and fro with such exquisite pleasure that she cried, feeling her release. Her body tightened around him, keeping him within her depths. He thrust once more before spilling his seed inside her.
When Julia turned into his embrace, he held her there, placing his warm hand on her arm and the other on her back. The sound of crackling wood in the hearth contrasted with the beating of their hearts. She knew she wasn’t dreaming anymore. Ragnvald had found her. After praying for this moment, reality had somehow surpassed her thoughts of touching and kissing her Viking.
“Are the police close to finding Nigel?” Julia wondered aloud.
Ragnvald held her a bit tighter and kissed her brow. “They think so. He cannot get away with everything he has done to you.”
“What if they never find him?”
He turned on his side and brushed a finger against her chin. “I will protect you. On my honor, you have my word.”
Julia believed him. There was no doubt in her mind about his word. Since the moment they’d met, she’d felt safe and protected. She lifted her head and pressed her lips against his. She wanted him to know how grateful she was for his presence in her life. And for his presence at this moment. Her fears vanished with every breath she took. Her heart raced with renewed desire and hunger for this man. Life was too precious, she realized. People could be taken from her in one swoop. But not today.
* * * *
In Julia’s eyes, Ragnvald saw her trust. He kept his word—always. His father and mother had taught him to honor his word. His honor and family name depended on it. He gathered Julia into his arms and held her tight. Relief filled him. After long days of searching for her, he had finally found her. And he wasn’t about to let her go again.
Was he dreaming this moment? He kissed her warm brow, making sure his mind didn’t play tricks on him. As she nuzzled against his bare chest, he knew Julia was real. He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep, soothing breath.
As the evening passed, he wondered if he should tell Julia the truth about his life. He had tried telling her the day she disappeared, and he had done so out of anger, without a proper explanation about his curse. And before he could explain himself, she had left. Can I risk losing her again?
Guilt gnawed at him and he hesitated. He couldn’t bear seeing the hurt in her eyes. His gut twisted. He watched Julia sleep in his arms. Slowly, he pulled away and kneeled. Then he picked her up in his arms and kissed her brow again. Keeping her close, he walked out of the study and found the stairs leading to the second floor.
When he found one of the illuminated bedrooms, he gently laid Julia on the soft bed. His beloved still slept. He glided his forefinger along her chin. A renewed hunger for her coursed through his veins. Blood pulsed down to his groin. He wanted her, but for now, he let her rest.
Another kind of hunger called him. His stomach rumbled. He covered Julia with the fleece blanket and kissed her cheek.
“I’ll be back soon, my love,” he whispered.
Then he left the room and headed downstairs to the study where he had discarded his clothes.
“Oh, heavens!” a female voice squealed behind him.
Ragnvald turned and covered his manhood with both hands. “Hello.”
“Hello to ye,” Mrs. Ferguson replied with a wry smile, holding a tray with a teapot and two cups. “I wanted to bring ye both some tea sooner, but I didn’t want to interrupt yer, um… reunion.”
He blushed. “Thank you.”
“If ye need anything, let me know.”
His cheeks heated. “Forgive me. “
She took a step forward and set the tray on the table. She looked around. “Where is Miss Julia?”
“She fell asleep, so I took her upstairs.”
Mrs. Ferguson put her hands on her hips. “Poor dear. I was so worried about her.” She looked at Ragnvald. “I’m happy ye are here for her. She had told me about ye. Ye are more handsome than I imagined.”
He blushed again.
“Dinna fash. She hasn’t told me everything.” She winked. “Might ye be looking for yer clothes.” She pointed toward the floor beside him.
He nodded, turning around and finding his clothes near the hearth. As the caretaker turned her attention away from him, he dressed.
“Thank you for the tea.”
Mrs. Ferguson faced him with a grin. “Are ye hungry?”
“Come. Follow me to the kitchen.” S
he grabbed the tray and stepped out of the study with Ragnvald in tow.
When they reached the kitchen, delicious scents of meats and fresh bread caused a rumble in his belly.
“Poor thing. When was the last time ye ate?”
“Not sure. Other matters occupied my mind,” he admitted.
“Well, I’m happy yer here. Miss Julia needs someone like ye to protect her from that evil man.”
“You know about him?” Ragnvald asked.
“Aye. She told me the whole story,” Mrs. Ferguson replied as she pulled out some chicken from the fridge. “The poor dear has been through hell.”
His heart tugged at the thought of Julia frightened and harmed. He could only imagine what Nigel had done to her. Anger boiled in his gut. He wanted to strangle the man. How dare he harm the woman he loved! He did love Julia. The more he thought about it, the more the idea settled in his heart. Some part of him knew their souls were connected. But how? Was the seer right about her prediction after all?
“Here’s a platter for both of ye,” Mrs. Ferguson said.
“Thank you.” He kissed her cheek.
When he returned to the bedroom, he stopped at the door. He stared at Julia for a moment. Would she vanish if he touched her? Would he lose her again if he told her the truth about his life and his immortality? Maybe. She thought him crazy, and he didn’t blame her for thinking so.
He walked inside and placed the tray on the table. He raked a hand through his hair and blew out a silent breath. The last thing he wanted was to scare Julia away. Dammit! He had no idea what to do. All he knew was that she deserved his honesty. I will tell her first thing in the morning, he swore to himself.
Flashes of the day she disappeared bounced in his head once more. He recalled Julia fleeing when he started telling her the truth of his cursed life. He regretted the way he’d told it to her. He hadn’t prepared her. Maybe telling her wasn’t a good idea after all. As he stared at his beloved, he reasoned she had suffered enough. You must tell her the truth, the voice of reason shouted at him. She deserved to know.
Doubt and confusion filled his head. Yet his heart reminded him Julia loved him too, and she would accept him no matter what. Wouldn’t she? His lips curled upward. For the first time in centuries, his heart opened to love. But secrets could destroy that if he didn’t tell her the truth.