Whispering Souls Read online

Page 9

  “Here, drink this. It will help you relax.” He offered her the shot glass.

  Julia took the glass and gulped the clear liquid. He drained his own glass and poured another round. After one last drink, Julia rested her head against the sofa.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, relaxing beside her.

  She nodded. “Thank you.” She took his hand within her small one and linked her fingers with his.

  He didn’t know if it was the alcohol causing silly imaginings, but their hands fit like two pieces of a puzzle. He’d never felt such a connection with another woman. The more he spent time with Julia, the more he was convinced he had finally reunited with his one true love. The one he had waited for all his life. She leaned her head against his shoulder. He kissed the side of her brow and relaxed.

  “I don’t understand why Nigel would accuse you of harming him. He has never done this before. I’ve seen his jealous side, but I never thought he would take it this far.”

  “I’m not sure his reasons for this, sweetheart. People behave in strange ways all in the name of greed and jealousy.”

  “I need to find out why he’s here and why he wants to hurt us.” She stood and walked to the door.

  “Let me drive you.”

  Julia gave him a smile. “I can call a cab.”

  “No need. I’m going with you.”

  She stared at him. He saw the determination mixed with hesitation in her eyes.

  “I won’t beat him up.” He raised his hand. “I promise.”

  “All right. I appreciate it.”

  He cupped her cheek. She pressed her lips in his palm. He reveled in the brief yet intimate touch. His groin tightened against his jeans. His body craved hers. Later. For now, Ragnvald focused on helping Julia. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed each finger.

  “Let’s go before we find a reason to stay here.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Once they put on their boots and coats, they headed outside. The wind whipped his face. Part of him hoped Julia changed her mind and decided to wait to get answers from Nigel. He looked at her and opened her car door.

  As they drove down the road, Julia said, “I’ll call Nigel’s cellphone.”

  She put it on speakerphone. After a few rings, no one answered.

  “Christ,” she muttered.

  He saw the frustration on her beautiful face. “Why don’t you call the nearest hospital and find out if Nigel is there.”

  She looked at him and nodded. She dialed the hospital and reached the information desk where she inquired about Nigel. Once they knew Nigel was there, they headed in that direction.

  “Everything will be all right,” Ragnvald assured her.

  “I know. It’s just that I don’t understand why he’s accusing you of this accident. Why would he go to such lengths to harm himself and blame you?”

  He hated seeing her so distraught. Part of him regretted hitting Nigel at the cabin. But how could he stand by and not defend the woman he cared for with all his heart? Nigel had insulted her, and he needed to pay for that. Was he now paying for defending Julia’s honor? It could explain Nigel’s vengeful side. Questions bubbled in his head. Had Nigel’s jealousy pushed him this far? Was Julia’s life in danger because of Nigel? One thing was for sure, he would fight for her. Now that she was in his life, he wasn’t ready to give her up or his chance at a life with her.

  As they approached the medical center, Ragnvald’s gut twisted a bit more. His heart thundered with anger. When he parked the car, he turned to Julia. His protective side kicked in. “Let me go in with you.”

  She touched his cheek. “I’ll be all right. I can handle Nigel.”

  “I don’t doubt you can defend yourself. I just don’t trust that man.”

  Julia kissed his cheek. “I’ll be fine. I won’t be long. You have my word.”

  “Call me if you need me.”

  “I will,” she replied, giving him a reassuring smile before stepping outside.

  * * * *

  Julia stopped in the middle of the long, white corridor. Her nerves made her shake all over. Her breath shortened. When she stepped into the hospital room, the heart monitor echoed against the silence. Nigel laid on the bed.

  “What do you want?” Nigel muttered.

  Julia’s heart jumped. “I want to know why you are hurting me again.” She stepped forward and examined his face. His face was cut and a bruise covered his right eye. “Why did you accuse Ragnvald of your accident?” Her tone was harsh, but she didn’t care.

  “The man is jealous of our relationship,” he replied with confidence. “Can’t you see that, Julia?”

  “What relationship, Nigel? We’re no longer together and haven’t been for months.”

  Nigel stared at her with cold eyes. “And whose fault is that?”

  Anger boiled within her. She balled her fist, holding back her hand and the rising frustration. Instead of arguing with him, she said, “Your accusations rendered a visit from a local police inspector. Why would you do such a thing when we were nowhere near you for the last two days?”

  Nigel’s face blanched. “I have proof.”

  “What proof do you have?” Julia demanded.

  “My lawyer will be speaking with you soon.” Nigel coughed. “Now, leave me be.” He closed his eyes.

  “Not until you leave me alone.” She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. “You betrayed me, Nigel. You cheated on me. You hurt me. You’re acting like a scolded child.” She stepped closer and whispered, “If you think I’ll let you ruin my life once more, think again.”

  Her heart pounded with the rising anger she had kept inside for too long. Nigel stared at her wide-eyed and open-mouthed. She waited for his response, but it never came. As she looked at him, Julia couldn’t believe this was happening. The man she once thought she’d loved, and who’d once claimed to care about her, had become bitter and angry.

  Within her aching head, Julia searched for a reason why he would treat her with such love at the beginning of their relationship and then such contempt after their breakup. She had done nothing wrong, no matter how hard she racked her brain in search of something. Her hand itched to slap Nigel. Maybe it would help quell her anger toward him.

  Instead, she stepped back from the hospital bed then walked out of the room without saying another word to him. When she reached the front entrance, she exhaled and let out the tears stinging her eyes. Her body shook. How dare Nigel hurt me again! She groaned aloud. For a moment, she stared at the heavens above and prayed this nightmare would end soon.

  “Come.” Ragnvald’s voice reached her ears. “Let me take you home.”

  She fell into his arms.

  He held her tight as they walked to the car. He opened the car door for her and she got inside. She closed her eyes and rested her head back. Ragnvald got in the driver’s side and started the engine. As they drove in silence, he took her hand within his palm. His touch brought her comfort and strength. With him, she felt protected and safe. Yet she wondered how far Nigel would go to ruin her life forever.

  Julia shook away the invading thoughts. She glanced at Ragnvald’s handsome face. Her heart whispered his name, and she couldn’t ignore it. Why would she? Since the moment they’d met, he had brought her joy at a time in her life when she no longer believed in anything.

  “I’m so sorry for all of this. If you don’t want to see me anymore, I’ll understand.”

  He lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “Nonsense! I want to be with you, sweetheart. Only you.”

  Relief filled her. “I want to be with you too.”

  When they reached his driveway, he parked the car and turned off the engine. Before they stepped outside, Julia turned her head and stared at him, studying his handsome face. She silently begged him to kiss her. Her eyes pleaded with him to fulfill her wish, and he didn’t let her down. He glided his thumb along her lips. She wanted—needed him. Only him. Gently, he pul
led her closer until their lips connected.

  He moved his mouth against hers, savoring her. She wanted more. The tip of her tongue ran along his mouth until he let her taste him. Her hand cupped the back of his neck and pulled him closer. She loved the way he tasted. When her fingers reached down his lower belly and rested on his bulging groin, she knew he desired her too. She pulled back and saw a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. She tilted her head to the side and smiled. Then Julia climbed into the backseat. He followed her.

  “I haven’t done this in years,” he revealed to her.

  She giggled. “I’ve always wanted to try it. I hope you don’t mind.”

  He touched her cheek. “It’s your lucky day, milady.”

  Her heart raced. Ragnvald excited her. She felt alive. With every kiss and every touch, she knew their souls belonged together. She prayed he’d take her sadness away. She needed him and only him. His hand covered her cheek. The entire world came down to this moment. Nothing else existed.

  “I’m sorry about Nigel,” she murmured.

  “Hush. No need to apologize for that fool.” He bent his head and pressed his lips to hers in a soft touch that melted her.

  Her entire being burned with desire for him. He brought her closer and she arched toward him. Their bodies collided, deepening the kiss. She sank into his embrace. His mouth trailed from her lips to the sensitive part of her neck. A moan escaped her throat. Or was it from his?

  Julia cupped his jaw and looked into his eyes. “I want you.”

  He pressed his mouth against hers, taking her lips once more. His hands slipped under her sweaterdress, feeling her skin. He cupped her breasts. Did he like her lace undergarment? Hot fingers traced along her shoulders and down her arms. She shivered under his touch.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, brushing away a strand of her hair from her eye.

  He gently turned her chin and pulled her toward him. He savored her lips, letting her know how much he desired her. She wanted to let him know the same. He sucked in a breath as her hand found its way under his shirt and down his belly. She unzipped his jeans and found his aroused state. She stopped and smiled at him.

  Words of love stuck in her throat. Not ready to reveal her feelings to him, Julia took his lips hostage. She wanted him. She needed him. When she discarded her leggings, Julia felt his hands on her hips. He pushed inside her, thrusting, and diving deeper within her. Her body tingled until they tumbled over the edge of pleasure. Sated, she rested her head upon his shoulder.

  “How was your first time in the backseat?” he jested.

  “The best ride of my life,” she whispered against his ear.

  Chapter 7

  “Why would Nigel accuse your friend of such a terrible thing?” Aunt Helga said, pouring tea into two cups.

  Two days had passed since the police inspector announced the accusations against Ragnvald. Julia still couldn’t figure out Nigel’s reasons, but jealousy made sense. “Why would Nigel do this to me again?”

  “What a child! After all he put you through, how dare he cause trouble for you!”

  Julia saw the frustration and anger in her auntie’s eyes. She took a sip of tea, feeling its warmth through her. With every sip, her nerves calmed. Auntie Helga had added a shot of whiskey to it. Spending time with her auntie did help. While Ragnvald worked on forging his swords, Julia took some time for herself. She needed time to make sense of the last week after she arrived in Denmark.

  “What does your brother say about this nonsense?”

  “I haven’t talked to him since I went to visit.” She twirled her tea cup, remembering Colin’s voicemail on her cellphone. He felt sorry for forgetting about his invitation to Nigel. “I never thought about it until he showed up,” her brother had said. “How can I make it up to you, sis?”

  She had already forgiven him. After all, Colin wasn’t to blame. Nigel had lied to her brother about their relationship. When Julia left London, she thought the issue with Nigel had been resolved. She had left him and that was it. Where did she go wrong with him?

  “Did the police tell you what will happen next?” Aunt Helga touched her hand.

  Julia shook her head. “Only that the inspector will keep in touch with us.” She leaned her head against her palm. “I’m scared.”

  Aunt Helga wrapped her arms around Julia. “Everything will work out, love. Nigel will come to his senses.”

  Julia wasn’t sure about that. She knew Nigel. He wasn’t the kind of man who let go of something or someone without a good fight, even if he was in the wrong.

  “What should I do, auntie?”

  Aunt Helga wiped the tears from Julia’s cheek. “Let me talk to Nigel.”

  Julia choked on a breath. She couldn’t let her aunt confront that horrible man. “It’s all right. I’ll do it.”

  “Are you sure, love? You know I’d like to give that awful man a piece of my mind.” Aunt Helga balled her fist. “I’ve stood by quiet for far too long.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Aunt Helga poured some more tea into her cup. “Last year, when we saw each other at your parents’ Christmas party, I noticed your discomfort when Nigel spoke in that nasty way to you.”

  “You noticed? How?” Julia had done her best to hide her reaction to Nigel’s terrible joke about the gown she had chosen for the party, and she thought she had succeeded.

  “I’ve known you your whole life, darling. And I’m a woman too. Your eyes cannot lie.”

  Julia took a breath. “Who else noticed?” she wondered, feeling her heart sink.

  Aunt Helga stood beside her and put her arms around her. “No need to worry about that. Your reputation is intact. I cannot say the same for Nigel’s.”

  “Really?” Julia looked up.

  “Oh, yes, darling.” Aunt Helga sat back in her chair. “People noticed in London and gossiped about it for a long while.”

  Julia had no idea. If truth be known, she never really cared about gossip. But now she wondered what people had said behind her back. Her reputation was, in part, at stake. What did people think of her? She was grateful for her family protecting her. If she had known about her aunt’s revelations when the breakup happened, Julia wondered if she would had ended things with Nigel sooner.

  “I want all of this to be over.” Julia sighed. The weight of the whole situation unsettled her.

  Aunt Helga brought her chair closer and wrapped her arms around her. “All will work out. You’ll see.”

  “I must speak with Nigel and implore him to stop this madness.” Julia kissed her aunt’s cheek and then put on her coat. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Be careful, love.”

  Julia gave her aunt a reassuring grin. “I will.” She hugged her aunt and left.

  Outside, Julia inhaled the fresh air. She closed her eyes and prayed for courage. Memories of her last confrontation with Nigel resurfaced and stung. She hated drama, and this was an exceptional situation. But she needed answers. Before losing her moment of bravery, Julia climbed into her borrowed car and started the engine.

  As she drove through the city, Julia wondered what she would say to Nigel to convince him to drop his unfounded charges. Would he speak with her at all? She had to try. She couldn’t live in fear of him anymore. When she turned the corner, the hospital appeared before her eyes. Her heart thumped hard, and her stomach churned.

  “You can do this,” Julia told herself.

  She parked the car and opened the door. Her legs weakened. She took a deep breath, feeling her strength return. With one steady step and then another, she headed inside the hospital. When she reached the elevator, she still had no idea what to say to Nigel.

  Julia stopped when she heard a nurse speaking Danish to her. Not quite understanding the words, Julia smiled at the woman and said, “Forgive me. My Danish is rusty. Could you please repeat what you said?”

  The nurse nodded. “Of course. I was asking if you needed help.”

  “No, t
hank you. I’m fine.” Julia gave her a reassuring grin.

  “You don’t look fine. Please sit.” The nurse offered the chair nearby, gently taking Julia’s arm and helping her sit. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  Julia shook her head. “Just finding the courage to see my...friend,” she lied.

  “Is he sick?”

  Julia nodded. “A car accident.”

  The woman’s eyes filled with concern. “I’m sure your friend is receiving the best care possible.”

  Julia hoped so too, for Ragnvald’s sake and hers. The accusations weighed on them. And only Nigel could do something about it. “Thank you.”

  “If you need anything, please let me know.”

  Julia nodded. “I will.”

  With renewed courage, Julia rose then headed toward Nigel’s private room. She stopped at the ajar door and peeked inside. He was sleeping. Memories of their first meeting years ago flooded back to her. They had known each other since childhood, and his despicable betrayal hurt her. How could I ever forgive him?

  “What are you doing here?”

  Julia’s heart gave a start. She recognized her brother’s voice behind her.

  She turned. “I need answers from Nigel. And I need to ask him to drop these nonsense charges against Ragnvald.”

  Colin gently grabbed her arm and pulled her aside. “We’ll get to the bottom of this matter. And if Nigel is lying about his accident, he will pay for his false accusations.”

  “How, Colin? How? Nigel has lied to me so easily before. And we have no proof Ragnvald or I didn’t harm him.”

  “We will find the proof. Don’t worry.” Colin brought her into his embrace. “Come. Let’s grab a coffee.”

  Julia didn’t argue. She followed her brother outside and they drove to a nearby coffee shop. When they sat inside the warm cafe, Julia felt her brother’s gaze on her from across the table.

  “Please don’t say it,” she told Colin. “I know what you’re dying to say.”

  “Well, dear sister, I’ll say it anyway. It was stupid of you to pay a visit to Nigel. He can say that you’re harassing him.” Colin laid a hand upon hers. “Let me and my solicitor handle the situation. We will find the needed proof of your innocence. Nigel will pay for falsely accusing you and hurting you like this.”