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Whispering Souls Page 5

  Maybe it was because he never settled down long enough with one woman. In all his lifetime, he’d never met a woman who captured his heart like Julia, not since Arnora. And it had happened in such a short time. With the way she kissed him back, he could tell she liked him too. An undeniable attraction and strong connection had formed between them. But he could sense some hesitation in her. Or was he wrong?

  He reminded himself to take his time with her. The last thing he wanted was to push her away. When they drove into the yard and stopped the car, he inhaled a deep breath. Why am I so nervous? He did want her family, especially her brother, to like him.

  “Coming?” Julia asked.

  Ragnvald nodded and got out.

  She walked up to him, stood on tiptoe, and pressed her lips to his cheek. Then she took his hand and gave his fingers a reassuring squeeze as they walked up the front steps. He stopped.

  She smiled at him. “We can go somewhere else if you’re not comfortable being here.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. He loved her caring side. He felt embarrassed for his nerves. Inhaling another deep breath, he held onto her hand and thanked Julia in silence for not making him feel pressured or out of place.

  “It’s all right,” he assured her.

  Inside, she removed her boots and coat, then turned toward him. “My family went to visit some friends after they dropped me off at the coffee shop. So, we’re alone for a while.”

  His heart raced with excitement. His lips ached to kiss her again. His body reared in response when she smiled at him. A hint of rosewater reached his nose. Was he in Valhalla? Julia looked at him with a melting smile.

  She unzipped his jacket in a slow manner, never moving her gaze from his face. Time stood still. Her lips beckoned him. He stepped forward and swiped her bottom lip with his thumb. His groin pulsed. She caught the tip of his finger between her lips. No longer resisting, he captured her mouth and tasted her. Her hands pulled him closer, anchoring her fingers on his hips. Her soft body melded against his. He reveled in the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest. He wanted her. May the gods help me! And she wanted him. But reason reminded him of where they stood. With some regret, he pulled away.

  “Care for a whiskey?” she asked, touching his cheek.

  He nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Ragnvald glanced around. An illuminated crystal chandelier hung from a high log ceiling. The open space felt intimate somehow. Hardwood flooring peeked around a large, woven area rug. Despite the rugged design, this cabin felt like a home.

  “My brother and his wife redecorated this whole place,” Julia said.

  “They did very nice work,” he replied, taking the glass of whiskey from her hand.

  “Indeed. Let’s sit.”

  Ragnvald followed Julia into the cozy living room. A fire burned low in the grand stone hearth. He wished they were in his house instead. Her brother and his wife could return soon. It took all his willpower not to take Julia into his arms and kiss her until he could no longer feel his lips. When they sat on the sofa, Julia leaned her head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her brow. No words needed to be spoken.

  * * * *

  Julia closed her eyes, reveling in Ragnvald’s warm embrace. In his arms, she felt safe and protected and—no, not loved. She didn’t want to think about love. But she could stay in his arms forever. Nothing else mattered except this moment with her Viking warrior. Her rekker. She recalled the Norse word for warrior her mother once told her. The word Mum used for describing her dear husband.

  “Thank you for coming to see me,” Julia said, lifting her head.

  He touched her cheek. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  Heat infused her face and her body. She believed him. Part of her feared this was all a dream and that she’d wake up alone once more. She feared he would leave her. She sat back and pushed away the uncomfortable thoughts. All she wanted was his arms around her. As if he could read her mind, Ragnvald pulled her into his arms and held her tight. She closed her eyes and savored the moment, locking it in her heart.

  “Hello. Anyone home?”

  Julia opened her eyes and sat up. “It’s my brother.” She kissed Ragnvald’s cheek. “I’m here.”

  She was nervous about introducing Ragnvald to Colin. Last night, she had talked to him and Fiona about Ragnvald. And her brother assured her that he was happy for her. Still, she hoped he would like the man who had changed her life.

  “How was your visit with your friends?” Julia stood and hugged Colin and then Fiona while the children ran into the house.

  “It was good.”

  Julia hooked her hand around Ragnvald’s arm when he stood. “Colin, this is my very good friend, Ragnvald Hallvardson. Ragnvald, this is my brother Colin Williamson and his lovely wife and my best friend, Fiona.” She gestured to the children. “And these two adorable children are my niece Eugenie and nephew CJ.”

  Ragnvald smiled at the children, said hello to Fiona, then stepped forward and offered his hand to her brother. “Nice to meet you.”

  Colin accepted his hand. “Nice meeting you finally. My sister hasn’t stopped talking about you since she got here.”

  Julia blushed with embarrassment. Had she talked so much about him? She hadn’t noticed. “My brother likes to exaggerate.”

  “Well, my sister likes you. So, I like you too.” Colin patted Ragnvald’s arm. “Come. Let’s have a drink. Do you like scotch whiskey?”

  “I enjoy a glass on occasion.” He returned to Julia’s side.

  Relief filled Julia. Colin was a hard man to please. And after what had happened with Nigel, no man would ever be good enough for his sister.

  “Come. Bring your glass,” Colin said.

  Ragnvald kissed her cheek and followed Colin to the kitchen.

  As the two men got to know each other, Julia studied them. She smiled, relieved her brother accepted Ragnvald.

  “He’s a handsome one,” Fiona whispered.

  Julia couldn’t stop the smile curling her lips. “Yes, he is. I’m happy Colin likes him.”

  “I’m glad too.” Fiona took Julia’s hand and sat her on the sofa. “If you need some private time with him, let me know.” She winked.

  Julia’s cheeks heated. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. Besides, we aren’t there yet.”

  “Well, just let me know. I can get your brother and the children out of here for a few hours.”

  “Thank you. You’re the best.” Julia hugged her friend.

  “I know,” Fiona said with a sly smile.

  They chuckled.

  The thought of spending time alone with her Viking caused a yearning within Julia’s depths. She tingled with excitement. As she sipped her whiskey, Julia heard her brother and Ragnvald laugh and chat as if they’d known each other for a long time. A good sign, she thought.

  “I’m happy you met him,” Fiona said. “He seems like a good man.”

  “I think he is. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  Fiona patted Julia’s hand. “Just take your time.”

  Julia nodded as she watched Ragnvald and Colin walk into the living room.

  She studied the man who made her heart beat faster and put a smile on her face. She sipped the whiskey in her glass and let the smooth liquid soothe her remaining nerves. When the children jumped on the sofa, Julia smiled as Ragnvald played with them. CJ shared his toy truck with him while Eugenie pleaded with him to join her for a tea party. Ragnvald accepted their offers with a smile. For a moment, Julia imagined he played with their own children. Her body filled with joy and wonder.

  “He’s good with the children,” Fiona noted.

  Julia couldn’t deny what her eyes showed her. After her breakup with Nigel she had no longer thought or dreamed of settling down, let alone having children. She had decided that dream was for someone else, not her. But could it be possible now with Ragnvald? She sipped some more whiskey, pushing the
thought aside. The pain of betrayal still stung. She wasn’t ready for a commitment. Not yet.

  Chapter 4

  A fresh blanket of snow covered the Nordic countryside. From the patio window, Julia stared at the breathtaking hues kissing the morning sky. Her heart raced with excitement and happiness. After dinner last night, Colin and Fiona had insisted Ragnvald stay as their guest since it was a long drive back to the city. Julia smiled at the thought of her brother accepting her Viking. She closed her eyes and hoped this wasn’t all a dream.

  Before leaving earlier that morning with Fiona and the kids to pick up some items at the local market, her brother told her to call him in case of emergency. That meant he would beat up Ragnvald if he hurt her. She reassured Colin and reminded him she was a big girl who could handle herself thanks to her kickboxing classes.

  “I like the man, but I will kick his ass if he forgets his manners with you.”

  Strong hands rested on her shoulders. She closed her eyes, reveling in Ragnvald’s warm touch. Julia turned into his embrace. She leaned her head against the hard wall of chest. Through his plaid flannel shirt, she heard his heartbeat. The sound calmed her. His arms surrounded her and held her tight. He pressed his lips to her head. She looked up, staring at his lips. Kiss me, she begged him in silence. Could he read her mind?

  He studied her face. His hand glided along her cheek and stopped at her chin. She sucked in a breath. His thumb teased her lips open, and she did so without hesitation. Keeping his gaze locked with hers, Julia captured the tip of his thumb between her lips.

  He groaned with pleasure. “My beautiful vixen.” He took her mouth hostage, tasting and teasing hers.

  Julia wanted him. All of him. She wanted to feel his body against hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed herself against him, feeling his strength and desire for her. He wanted her too.

  “Come with me,” she whispered in his ear.

  He took her hand and they climbed the stairs. Julia glanced over her shoulder at him, making sure she wasn’t dreaming. Her body trembled with excitement. For once, she followed her heart and didn’t listen to the doubts forming in her head. When they reached her bedroom, the sun’s rays peeked through the surrounding pine trees, penetrating the white, lace window coverings. Colors of pinks lined the sky. Silence and warmth surrounded them.

  A breath caught in her throat when Ragnvald stood behind her and settled his lips on her neck. She closed her eyes, savoring the heat of his mouth. He parted his lips, causing a shiver of delight throughout her body. Christ! She was falling hard for Ragnvald.

  “I want you,” she murmured.

  He turned her around and cupped her cheeks. “Say it again.”

  Julia lifted her chin. “I want you.”

  A corner of his delicious lips curled upward. As he glided his thumb along her mouth, she tingled all over. Her knees melted. She anchored her hands on his chest. His strength and heat penetrated her fingers. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her neck. Her head swam. She had no idea how much she liked his touch against her skin until now. He intoxicated her, and she couldn’t form a complete thought. She couldn’t get enough of him and wanted him to touch her all over. When his mouth left her neck and traveled to her lips, her head spun with a hunger she’d never felt before. She drank him in, hoping he knew how much she wanted him.

  She held his square jaw. He tasted of coffee and whiskey and raw masculinity. The tip of his tongue begged for entrance. She accepted, then their tongues twirled in a dance she didn’t want to stop. Before she lost herself, Julia stepped back and touched his face again. In the light of the hearth, his flesh was warm and exciting. She glided her fingertips along his skin, feeling him, burning the sensation in her mind. Then he brought her fingers against his mouth and nibbled each, one by one.

  He pressed his lips to her palm. “You have nothing to fear from me. We’ll go at your pace.”

  “I know.” As she said the words, Julia knew they were true. He might be almost a stranger to her, but there was an inner goodness and honesty in him. “I don’t fear you.”

  He pressed his mouth against her cheeks and brow. Little nibbles that made her feel alive. She arched toward him, encountering his hardened arousal. He wanted her too. She felt so alive and on fire. But she not only wanted to receive his kisses, she wanted to make him burn with desire. This time, her tongue traced the outline of his mouth, demanding entrance. He let her in. She tasted and explored.

  “I’ve dreamed of you, of this moment,” she confessed.

  “Good or bad?”

  “Good.” She blushed.

  “Then we should make your dream come true.” He pulled his sweater over his head. His skin was sunkissed, and far better than any of her dreams.

  Several scars decorated his torso. She ran her fingers along them, tracing their shape. Each muscle she touched felt firm but pliant, making her want to explore more. His nipples puckered. She ran her palms over his chest, marveling at how his skin felt. Masculine yet soft. She was amazed about such a detail, one she never noticed until this moment. Her breasts ached for his touch while her depths burned for him. As her fingers continued their exploration of his firm body, she stepped behind him and finally saw the rest of the tattoo on his back. A Viking sword lined the middle, with the hilt on his neck and the edge pointing down, reaching the top of his round buttocks.

  “Do I match your dreams?” he asked with a husky tone.

  “You will do,” she jested.

  He chuckled and captured her hand, raising her fingers to his lips. “I must confess something to you.”

  Julia stilled. “You can tell me anything.”

  They sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve never been with a woman before now.”


  “I’m not a monk. Just a virgin.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. The thought of teaching him a thing or two excited her. “How come you’ve never… Forgive me for prying. I’m just wondering why an attractive man like yourself hasn’t…”

  “Fully enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh?”

  She nodded.

  He raked a hand through his long locks. “I wanted to wait to find my one true love.”

  Somehow, she believed his words. Julia blushed. Her heart fluttered and whispered the possibility of love. But it was too soon. She didn’t want to think about such things, not now. She only wanted him, and she’d deal with what came later.

  “If I may confess something too,” she said. “You’re only the second man I’ve kissed.”


  She nodded.

  A boyish grin curled his lips.

  “If you aren’t ready, I’ll understand,” she whispered.

  He cupped her face. “There’s no one else I want to share my first time with.” He smoothed her hair back from her forehead. “You are a dream come true for me, Julia. Or am I dreaming now?”

  Her cheeks grew hotter.

  He undid her hair and ran his fingers through her curls. “Beautiful.”

  A tremble started in her soul. He thought her beautiful. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe in the goodness of life and love again. That her life could be the way she had always dreamed it would be. That the nightmare of the past months had ended. She wanted to believe, and it frightened her.

  “I want you, Julia,” he murmured, capturing her chin with his fingers and holding her gaze.

  Giving into the moment, she stood and removed her sweaterdress and her leggings, tossing them on a nearby chair. His hands roamed over her skin, tracing her curves. Her inner depths throbbed. A small moan escaped her lips. He stopped and glided his hands down her buttocks, pulling her against his thighs. His hardness was exquisite torment. His fingers somehow found their way to the front and cupped her breasts. For an instant, she thought of how the man she once loved had always preferred making love in the dark and as fast as possible. This was something different.

  Julia wanted to s
ee all of him. She wanted Ragnvald. Offering her hand, he stood. Then she unbuttoned his jeans and admired the V of his muscle leading down from his lower belly. She had only seen such a muscular body in pictures. God had certainly blessed her Viking with a delicious body. But it was his soul and his heart that counted the most to her. Gently, she pushed him onto the bed and removed his jeans.

  He sat up and stared into her eyes. He ran a hand over her hips. The simple touch sent a thousand tiny fires throughout her body. Her knees trembled as he pressed his hot mouth against her chest. His lips moved down, and he pulled off her bra and kissed her breasts. Her nipples tightened. She arched her back, wanting him to taste her. He understood. He took each nipple in turn, savoring as if she were a delicious piece of fruit.

  Heat seared through her. No longer able to stand, Julia joined him on the bed and lay beside him. Ragnvald rested his weight on one arm and slid his free hand down her body, tracing her burning flesh. Her skin tingled. She closed her eyes, reveling in his touch. When his breath teased her belly, she lifted her head. His boyish grin melted away any lingering doubt.

  He moved his mouth between her thighs and removed her panties. His tongue flicked and twirled within her folds. Her hips thrust upward, wanting him within her. His tongue teased and sank inside her. Stars exploded behind her eyes. Before she recovered from the new sensations, he plunged himself within her. Her body welcomed him. They stilled.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head. “You give me pleasure unlike I’ve ever known.”

  He grinned and kissed her cheek.

  “Please don’t stop.” She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside.

  They rocked together faster and faster, finding their rhythm until the waves crashed over her. A great shuddering ecstasy engulfed her. She had never felt more alive or more satisfied. Ragnvald had extinguished the fire burning within her—for now. He completed her in a way she had never dreamed about. How was that possible?