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Whispering Souls Page 10

  Julia stared out the window beside them and exhaled a breath. “Fine. I promise I’ll stay away from him.” She faced Colin. “But you must assure me that Nigel will not get away with this.”

  “You have my word.”

  * * * *

  The morning sun kissed the horizon. Ragnvald stared at the hues of pink and oranges along the tree line. A fresh blanket of snow had fallen the night before. Would he get to share another morning with his beloved Julia? Two days had passed since he’d seen her. She hadn’t responded to his calls or his text messages. He racked his brain, wondering if he had done or said something to offend her. His voice of reason told him to give her some time. While his ego screamed to let her go. You will only get hurt again.

  He raked a hand through his hair before walking into his forge. Thoughts of never seeing Julia again twisted his gut. He couldn’t focus on his work. Every memory of their moments together burned in his mind. His heart cried out for her.

  “Where are you, my love?” he murmured, staring out the open door, hoping she’d somehow appear. Had he lost her forever because of Nigel? Had something happened to her?

  He couldn’t lose her, not when they had just met. He closed his eyes and prayed Julia was in good health and still wanted him too. Buzz. Buzz. He pulled his cellphone out of his jeans pocket and looked at the screen. Were his eyes playing a cruel trick on him?

  Leave my wife alone. Nigel.

  Confusion filled Ragnvald’s head. Wife? What did this text mean? Was it a terrible joke? The message was a lie for sure. If Julia had married the man, she would have told him, no? He rubbed a shaky hand across his face. He needed answers. Only Julia could provide them. Where could she be?

  A car driving up toward his forge caught his eye. His heart thumped hard when he noticed the driver. Julia. He had missed her with all his heart and soul. His lips curled upward into a smile. Once she stopped the car a few feet away from him, she stepped out and ran up to him.

  “I’ve missed you,” she murmured against his ear. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer you. I needed some time to think.”

  Ragnvald heard the sincerity in her voice. Yet Nigel’s message bothered him. He knew not to keep the information to himself. He needed to know the truth.

  “We need to talk,” he said, gently pushing her away and placing his hands on her arms.

  “What is it?”

  He heard the concern and worry in her voice. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Julia. Pushing aside the twinge of guilt in his belly, he inhaled a deep breath. “Nigel sent me a text,” he said. “Is there anything you would like to tell me?”

  “What did he tell you?” she asked.

  “That you two are married.”

  Julia’s eyes widened, and he saw a flash of anger in them. “That son of a...” She turned away, then back to him. “You cannot believe a word that man says. He’s a petty man and a jealous one too.” She cupped his face. “I never lied to you about Nigel. We were engaged, but we never married, and we’re no longer together. I swear to you.”

  Ragnvald’s heart reminded him how much he loved Julia. Yet he couldn’t erase Nigel’s words from his head. Doubt had reared its ugly head. His arms ached to hold Julia. Instead, he stepped away.

  “Maybe it’s best you deal with this matter,” he decided to say.

  “There’s no matter to handle. I want to be with you, and only you.”

  He gently took her hands. “You don’t want to be with me, Julia. You don’t want me.”

  Sadness and unshed tears filled her eyes. “What are you saying?”

  He inhaled a breath, deciding to finally tell her the truth about himself. “I’m...”

  “You’re what? Please tell me.”

  Before he changed his mind, he said, “I’m immortal, Julia. I cannot die. A seer in my village put a curse on me a long time ago.” There, he’d said it. He couldn’t take the words back. Pain and anger seared his heart. He wanted to ask Julia again for the truth. “You don’t want a man like me.”

  She stepped back. “You’re scaring me. Why are you telling me all this?”

  “I want you to know the truth about me.”

  Her eyes widened in anger. “You’re crazy.” She laughed. “No. You want to push me away with wild stories because you’re afraid of love.” She rushed to her car, then stopped. “I thought you were an honorable man, a decent one. But I guess I was wrong.” With that, she climbed into her car and sped away.

  Ragnvald cursed into the chilled wind. He squeezed his eyes shut, pushing away the tears threatening to escape. Fordømt! Why had everything gone to hell? What had he done to lose Julia? Part of him wanted to jump into his truck and follow her, but he wondered if that would be for the best. Maybe she was better off without him. But the thought of his beloved Julia with another man didn’t settle in his heart or his gut.

  Once Julia’s car disappeared, he headed into his cold, empty house. Ragnvald removed his jacket and boots, walked into the kitchen, and pulled a bottle of vodka out of the freezer. After pouring himself a glass, he gulped its soothing contents. He poured another glass before sitting in front of the stone hearth.

  “Julia,” he whispered in a choked voice. His heart and soul cried out for her.

  He sat alone, mulling over what had happened earlier between him and Julia. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he realized hours had passed. He grunted with frustration and confusion. He couldn’t figure any of this mess out. Had Nigel lied to him? Or had Julia lied when she said she hadn’t married Nigel? Ragnvald closed his eyes and prayed this was all a nightmare and he’d wake in his bed with Julia at his side.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  His heart stopped. Had Julia returned? He stood and went to answer the door.

  “Hello, Ragnvald.” Colin stood outside. “Sorry to bother you. Have you seen my sister?”

  “Not since this morning.” Ragnvald saw the worry in Colin’s eyes.

  Colin rubbed his hand over his face. “Bloody hell! Where could she be? We were supposed to all meet for lunch.”

  Panic invaded him, but he pushed it away. Julia was angry, and he would give her all the time she needed to cool down. “I’m sure she’ll show up. Come. Sit. I’ll make us some coffee,” Ragnvald offered.

  While the coffee brewed, he turned around and saw the despair in Colin’s eyes.

  “When was the last time you saw Julia?” Ragnvald asked.

  “This morning when she left our aunt’s home. She said she was coming here to see you and then coming back for lunch. But she never did.”

  A twinge of fear resounded in Ragnvald’s gut. “Maybe she stopped somewhere on her way.” He did his best to stop the terrible thoughts roaming in his head.

  “I’ve searched everywhere. Her phone is off too. She never does that.”

  Ragnvald laid a hand on Colin’s shoulder. “I’m sure she will show up soon.”

  “You’re right. It’s just that...”

  “What is it?”

  Colin shook his head. “I’m sure it’s a coincidence.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Nigel left the hospital yesterday. And he’s a very vengeful man, especially when he feels threatened.”

  “Do you mean threatened by me?” Ragnvald asked.

  Colin nodded. “Nigel had mentioned you, and it’s not good. His empty threats meant nothing to me until this morning when Julia never returned home.” He closed his eyes and blew out a breath. “I hope I’m wrong.”

  Ragnvald hoped so too. “We need to find her.”

  * * * *

  “Where are you taking me?” Julia asked, but Nigel ignored her question.

  Julia tugged at her bound wrists once more. Nigel had made sure she couldn’t escape. Her head hurt as he dragged her up the steps to a cabin. In the late afternoon light, she noted every detail of her surroundings. She had no idea where he had taken her or why. All she knew was it was somewhere in Denmark. Christ! Where am I? she wondered, fearing for her lif

  Glancing behind her, she prayed someone would find the bits and pieces of clues she’d left behind. For a moment, she closed her eyes, recalling how Nigel had kidnapped her. She should’ve never agreed to speak with him after he’d followed her to Aunt Helga’s house. He’d reassured her that he’d never meant to harm her and that he regretted his actions. When she’d turned to go to the house, Julia had felt his hand close over her mouth and then she’d passed out.

  “Come along.” Nigel pushed her inside the cabin.

  He threw her on the floor and left. Unshed tears stung her eyes, but she didn’t cry. Instead, she rose to her feet and looked for a way out. Christ! Steel bars lined the two windows. She tried the door, but it was locked. She leaned her head against the cold, wooden door and prayed. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she fell to the ground.

  Behind her closed eyelids, Ragnvald’s handsome face appeared. She missed him. Why would he tell her such a crazy thing like he was immortal? His harsh words still resounded in her aching head. She didn’t understand his change of heart about their relationship. Why would he believe Nigel’s lie that she was married to him? Ugh!

  Not wanting to cloud her head with unanswered questions, Julia rose to her feet and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. She wasn’t letting Nigel win. Never! There had to be a way out of this prison. She took a pin out of her updo and fiddled with the lock. After a moment, she turned the knob, yet the door opened only a crack. She realized the door must be locked from the outside too. She slid her small hand through the gap and found Nigel had secured it with a padlock on the other side.

  “No! No!” She punched the door until her fingers throbbed with pain.

  When she heard footsteps on the other side of the door, Julia stepped back and waited. Someone unlocked the padlock. Nigel opened the door and walked inside. Without hesitating, she jumped on him, punching him as hard as she could.

  “How dare you lock me in here! Let me go at once!”

  Nigel grabbed her bound wrists. “I’ll untie you only if you promise to behave.”

  “Never!” She spat on him. “Let me go. Now!”

  He took out a pocket knife and cut the ropes around her wrists. She punched him again in his chest.

  “Why have you brought me here?” she demanded.

  “Stop hitting me and I’ll tell you.”

  Julia stepped back and inhaled a breath and then another.

  “Sit.” He pointed to the nearby chair.

  She sat, no longer feeling strength in her body. “Spit it out!”

  “I’m keeping you here until you realize we belong together.”

  Julia swore her ears played tricks on her. Was this a bad dream? “You betrayed me in the most horrible way, Nigel. Why would I want to be with you again after all this?”

  Nigel sat on the chair facing her. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “Are you really?”

  He nodded. But she didn’t believe him. He will hurt you again. Julia rose. “Why did you tell Ragnvald such a lie about us? That we were married?”

  “I’m the one who should be with you, not that man.” Nigel stood too. His voice had filled with rage.

  Her hand itched to slap him. She balled her fist but resisted the urge to strike. “Why, Nigel? Why?”

  “I love you, Julia.” He stepped toward her. He took her hand and kissed her fingers. “We belong together despite this short time apart. Please take me back.”

  Her stomach churned with disgust and anger. She pulled her hand away. “Never!”

  * * * *

  “Where could she be?” Ragnvald rubbed shaky hands over his face. Despair filled him.

  Colin laid a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find her.”

  He raised his head and looked at Julia’s brother. “Do you think she returned to London?”

  “I don’t think so,” Colin replied, offering him a steaming cup of coffee. “We’ll soon find out if that’s the case. I sent word to my father.”

  Ragnvald stood and walked to the window. He stared out at his snowy driveway. He pictured Julia returning to him. He knew deep down the chances were slim—especially after the harsh words he’d spewed out to her. He could never forget the terrified look in her eyes when he’d told her he was immortal. He regretted telling her the truth in anger. But after receiving Nigel’s message, Ragnvald couldn’t think straight. Did Julia lie to him about her relationship with Nigel? He was no longer certain about anything.

  “Are Julia and Nigel still a couple?” He needed to know.

  “What? No, of course not. Why would you ask that?”

  He looked at Colin. “Nigel sent me a text message claiming he and Julia were married.”

  Colin’s eyes widened in shock. “He lied to you, old chap. Julia left that god-awful man months ago.” Colin sipped his coffee and added, “She found him in bed with one of her friends. That was the breaking point for her. Until she met you, my sister didn’t want anything to do with men or relationships. She had lost confidence in love.”

  “Jaevel! Bastard!” Ragnvald punched the stone wall beside the window.

  “Julia would never return to him. She’d be a fool if she did. And my sister is no fool.”

  A thought crossed Ragnvald’s mind, but he feared the reality. “Do you think...”


  He shook his head. “No, it’s crazy.”

  “That Nigel took Julia?”

  Ragnvald looked at Colin and nodded.

  “No. Nigel doesn’t have the balls.”

  “Jealousy can push people to do terrible acts,” Ragnvald commented.

  He spoke from experience. Over the course of his long life, he had witnessed jealousy firsthand. The consequences had devastated him and the ones he knew. In this case involving Julia, he prayed he was wrong.

  “What if he does have the balls?”

  Colin regarded him for a moment. A mixture of fear and rage veiled his face. “If you’re right, then we must find my sister fast before he harms her.”

  Ragnvald set aside his coffee cup, poured himself a glass of whiskey, and gulped back the contents. “Let’s go find her.”

  Chapter 8

  “Did you find her?” Colin asked as Ragnvald sat at the cafe table.

  Ragnvald shook his head. “Your aunt hasn’t seen her, and I’ve been to every cafe and hotel in town.” He rubbed his hands over his face and blew out a breath. “What about your search? Anything?”

  “My wife told me Julia hasn’t showed up at our cabin.”

  “Dammit! Where could she be?”

  “We’re flying back to London today,” Colin announced. “Hopefully, my sister will be there.”

  Ragnvald hoped so.

  “We’ll find Julia.” Colin offered a reassuring grin before they left the cafe.

  “I’ve tried calling her, but her phone goes to voicemail.” Ragnvald raked a hand through his hair. Despair accumulated in his body and heart. “Has Julia ever disappeared like this before?”

  “Never,” Colin replied. “And that’s why I’m concerned someone has taken her.”


  Colin nodded. “The possibility is real.” He patted Ragnvald’s shoulder. “We won’t give up until we find her. And whoever has taken my sister, he will pay.” Colin gave Ragnvald a reassuring grin before getting into his car and leaving.

  Taking a deep breath, Ragnvald glanced up. Hues of oranges and pinks kissed the morning sky. Chilled air filled his lungs. Ragnvald couldn’t find peace until he found Julia and she was back in his arms. Had Nigel harmed her? He hoped not. He balled his fists. He needed to find his beloved.

  Glancing around the quiet street, he felt lost for the first time in his life. For the last two days, he and Colin had scoured the city for Julia. But she was nowhere to be found. His only option was to contact the authorities. He let out a loud grunt and headed toward his parked car.

  “Mr. Hallvardson!”

  Ragnvald turned, see
ing Inspector Danielson rushing toward him. What does he want?

  “Mr. Hallvardson.” The man caught his breath. “I need to speak with you, sir.”

  “What is it?” He regretted his harsh tone. Fatigue and despair had taken a toll on him. “Forgive me. How can I help you?”

  “Have you heard any news about Nigel Smythe?”

  Ragnvald shook his head.

  “That is strange, because we’ve tried contacting him several times about the case, but he hasn’t returned our calls.”

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t seen or heard from him either.” It was the truth.

  “What about Ms. Williamson?”

  “I haven’t seen or heard from her in the last few days,” he replied, hearing the sadness in his own voice. “If I hear anything, I will let you know.”

  Before the inspector could say another word, Ragnvald climbed into his truck and closed the door. Part of him regretted not asking for the inspector’s help. His theory about the possibility of Nigel kidnapping Julia didn’t sit well with his heart. But it was the only explanation.

  Maybe Julia had willingly returned home with Nigel. Why should I bother telling the police that the woman I love went back to her ex-fiancé? He felt like a fool.

  As he put the key in the ignition, a wave of fear washed over him. Images of his beloved Julia in the grips of that terrible man clouded his head. No. It couldn’t be true.

  A storm brewed in his gut. Had Nigel taken Julia after all? Was he that cruel?

  Ever since he and Colin had first discussed the possibility that Nigel might have kidnapped Julia, the thought had lingered in his mind. He had initially brushed it aside, but now the idea that Nigel had kidnapped Julia wouldn’t leave him.

  He picked up his cellphone and called Colin. When he reached his voicemail, Ragnvald left a message. “Meet me at my house,” he said, then he started his car and rushed home.

  As he drove toward his house, he couldn’t shake the terrible feeling about Julia. He hoped his theory proved to be wrong. Yet something much deeper than a thought steered him. But where could he search for his darling? He raked a hand through his hair. Dammit! I should’ve never let her go! He regretted his rash words toward Julia. He regretted believing Nigel’s message. It might be too late. No! his heart shouted. He hadn’t lost her. She couldn’t be lost to him. Not when he’d just found her.